Thursday, October 18, 2007

Clear Yellow Water in the LibDem Leadership Contest

The news that Steve Webb will not be standing in the LibDem leadership contest is a shame. Not because I want to see a bloodbath, but I think when you have two leading candidates (Huhne and Clegg) who are so similar in many ways, you need a third candidate who will challenge their conventional wisdom. It now seems that won't happen, so the LibDems need to think of how they will challenge the two candidates and the candidates themselves need to think about how they can put some clear yellow water (!) between themselves


  1. Webb has probably concluded that:- i) he won't win. ii) in the unlikely event of doing so, there would be no real point in BEING LD leader! The contest looks like being a 'lovefest' btwn Huhne and Clegg ( behind the scenes a bitchfest) leading to the same mess as before: a Party with no real consistent policies. I may be amazed and there will be 'clear yellow water' between the candidates. One potential drawback: the yellow water may resemble urine.

  2. Iain,

    Didn't know you were into watersports.

  3. mark oaten'll be lovin' that then, hem-hem

  4. What about their views on the European Treaty and whether we deserve a referendum?

  5. Two potential top men inpossible to tell apart? Imagine!

  6. Some great stuff in the New Statesman this morning , apparently he is obsessed by his high ranking in some sexy MP chart.

    His new name is good too . NICK CLOG.Not bad for a Euro loon with only a faint aquaintance with the coutry he notionally represents. I think Europe is his achilles heel .He is on thr wrong side of this arguement and immigration .

    NICK CLOG...perfect, the same MP who started it apprently refferred to him and a Man child as well whch is true isn`t it. A Galloping Sloane as well I gather .

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. David Lindsay - They have come to us and they are still trying to hand the government of the country to foreigners so not far enough yet.

  9. Would love to Verity, say my place in an hour?

    Make sure you bring that rather delightful little outfit you had on last night, you know how it drives me wild in the trouser department. Ding Dong!

  10. Your enthusiasm and engagement with the LibDem business is depressing, and perhaps, an indication that really you are just a wishy washy liberal.

    I think you are in the wrong party. Go on, jump. I know you want to.

  11. "Clear yellow water", that is a piss poor idea...

    I'll get my coat!

  12. pinko Euros ... whurr whurr .. huff puff ... smutty jokes .. fnarr fnarr ... not what it used to be .. blah blah

  13. Given the well know hazards of eating yellow snow - I'm not sure if yellow water will be any more attractive.

    The Lib Dems are too panicked. They should take the chance to have a root and branch review - decide what they are about and then chose the leader who will try and deliver that for them.

  14. We must never forget that a Mr John Hemming has thrown his hat in the ring. This could be highly significant, if only for the hat, should it have the misfortune to land in the clear yellow water.

  15. Iain,

    Far more interesting that the lubdims is the slipping out of the so called fair tax suggestion from the second-hand PM, Brown (or his advisor...same thing).

    Please don't let the non-event of the libdum election let you take your eye off the ball.

    Why no comment?

    For the record:

    How could this tax suggestion possibly be linked to fair taxation?

    The value of one's house is totally irrelevant to fair taxation. Some people spent their taxed income on cigarettes, alcohol, and holidays all over the world, (on which they are taxed again) whilst others spend their taxed income improving their houses and gardens (also subject to additional tax.

    I live out in the sticks, my council does not repair rural roads, consequentially my lane is close to losing its credibility as a public road, I have no street lighting, no water or sewerage, and no effective police /ambulance or fire service. There is no public transport. If I wish to avail myself of any of the services provided by the council then I have to drive many taxed miles to resource it.

    So how come this proposal is considered a fair tax.

    It is the politics of envy, as is inheritance tax.

    Brown has not and will not change. He is a political Don Quixote, tilting at the so called, but non-existent middle-class that he hates with a maniacal passion, and taxes to death the working class who aspire to improve their lot.

  16. Iain,

    Why are you giving so much publicity to a minor party?

    I couldn't give a damn who leads this group of malcontents.

    If you wish to join them let us all know, this week you have concentrated on these few people as if life itself depended upon it.

    Ignore them and they will go away.

  17. All: Those who say Iain shouldn;t focus on the lib Dums are clearly living in seats where they have either a Labour or a Tory MP.

    The Lib Dems - and who leads them - is important because they soak up so many votes which should go to the Tory Party. They polled 22% of the vote in 2005 (I think), and at least half of that would have been people who could possibly be persuaded to vote Tory.

    THerefore, what happens in the Lib Dems does affect our electoral chances, which is why Iain is correct to follow the story.

    But as for clear yellow water - it's better than the cloudy stuff you usually get from the lib dems - and if you have a urinary tract infection. IS there a metafore there somewhere?

  18. Tories = big fat cunts.

    Now that's something you can take to the bank!

  19. lmao @ cunts!

    Cunts, he called you all cunts. Fcuking funny.

  20. I know for a fact that Iain doesn't take it up the shitter, he doesn't bottom for anyone. He *gives* it up the shitter. So there.

  21. Time to 0wn$ this piece of shit blog.

  22. We could talk about a yellow shower, but Mark Oaten is not running, is he?

  23. Sorry to see these terrible schoolyard comments. I guess CMod will have to go on for a while.

  24. Adrian Yalland is quite right. Yes, it’s galling wasting blogspace on the Yellow Peril. What is even more annoying is the YPs are given a disproportionate amount of airtime by the Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation particularly in contrast to their meagre Parliamentary representation.

    However, they are unquestionably a road block to a Conservative government. I live in Brutus Cable’s constituency, and he works in tandem with his councillor comrades - with their campaigning style consisting of smears, personal attacks – and lying.

    Finally the YPs have been exposed as the ‘backstabbing here’ party, and I fervently hope it damages them so badly that we can reclaim all the Conservative constituencies they’ve taken - including booting out Brutus Cable – who forms part of YP MP Mike Hancock’s “shower of shits”.

  25. Adrian
    Thats what Quintin Hogg used to say.But times change, the reds under beds scare now no longer holds and much of the Liberal Democrat vote will stay where it is.

  26. Manfarang: If that is the case, why has their poll rating slipped at exactly the same time at Cameron started foing well.

    With a weak Lib Dem poll, we only need 7-8% of a lead over Labour to win. But with a string Lib Dem showing, we need 11-12% to get the same number of seats.

    Trust me, I have lived in two seats represented by Lib Dems, both of which were taken from Tory MPs, and I know that they soak up a lot of the 'anyone but the Tory', but the Lib Dems also appeal to a large number of people who would like to vote Tory rather than Labour, except for......whatever the reason it is.

    I suspect that a weal Lib Dem leader is more to the benefit of the Tory party than Labour. A weak leader will push soft torys back to the torys, whilst anti-Torys will stay where they are.
