Monday, October 08, 2007

Take Part in my Autumn Political Survey

I've just launched an autumn political opinion survey. It's 21 questions long and should take you 5-10 minutes to fill in. Click Here to take survey

It includes questions on an autumn election, the EU, US presidential candidates, party conference venues, MPs' pay and who you think will be the next leader of the three parties should a bus strike down the current incumbents.

The survey will remain open until Tuesday lunchtime. Do take part! Click Here to take survey

UPDATE Sat: I must apologise for not inclusing the Greens in the voting question. Unfortunately you can't edit the questions once the survey has commenced.

UPDATE: I suppose the last few questions are a bit redundant now...


  1. Just did the survey, interesting stuff. What are you using it for?

  2. I will publish the results on the blog on Tuesday. No other use!

    Some very interesting resulsts so far. As of now, more than 300 people have completed it.

  3. Cool, I look forward to the results

  4. When I click on the link, all I get is the adverting page that encourages me to create my own survey. I can't get through to Iain's survey.

  5. The poll contains a lie. It refers to the ratification of the European Constitutional Treaty. The Constitutional Treaty has been withdrawn, and the question of whether the Reform Treaty is the same is at the very least a matter of dispute.

  6. David, I think when the Labour dominated European Committee reports this week you will have cause to eat those weasel words.

  7. I do hope that isn't a premature leak of a Select Committee investigation. Whatever the committee finds though, it will still be a matter of dispute whether the Reform Treaty is the same as the constitution, won't it?

  8. No technical problem here but failed to finish the survey on account of a chap not meeting the criteria on too many of the questions. Also, it has to be admitted, pig ignorance a handicap in some instances.
