Monday, October 08, 2007

Alert: PM's Press Conference at Noon

Whatever you do, make sure you are by a TV screen and have it tuned into Sky or News 24 at 12 noon. The prospect of watching Adam Boulton lay into Gordon Brown should be a sight to behold.


  1. I am not so sure, I think that the more experienced in the political Lobby know that Gordon's shortcomings in this type of environment. Despite his behaviour throughout the week, they will be unwilling/unable to deliver a killer question face to face with him.
    This man's ability to hold a grudge is legendary, and the political lobby lives and breaths on the back of government briefings, official or otherwise!!

  2. I hope they won't let him get away with claiming competence in the face of various disasters. If he hadn't refused to cough up what was needed for adequate flood defences there wouldn't have been so many personal tragedies for people who'd innocently moved to live on flood plains. And if he'd given the animal testing place enough funds to repair their infrastructure instead of dumping a private foreign lab on their land we might not have had a foot and mouth outbreak. And if his government hadn't dictated that the NHS was to give favourable stutus to foreign Muslim applicants in preference to UK applicants we wouldn't have had the terrorist incidents this year. And if he hadn't altered the banking regulations at the request of his sleazy advisers and donors we wouldn't have had the Northern Rock disaster which he has solved by throwing OUR money at it. And if he hadn't been such a spineless supporter of Blair we might not be embroiled in the disaster of Iraq. Getting the BBC to give him an easy ride on his self-created disasters doesn't make him competent.

  3. Never mind all this twaddle - have you not heard Craig Murray is back?

  4. I know Adam Boulton was annoyed that Andy Marr got the big interview and he didn't, but his unprofessional vindictive attitude towards Gordon Brown is becoming a pain.

  5. A pain for you, maybe. But for the rest of us it's entertainment of the highest order. Brown's decision to give Marr an exclusive is one that will come back to bite him.

  6. Gordon has been lucky to have received a relatively easy ride from the media during his first few months as PM. However the events of last week are going to change all that. The press are not at all happy with the way they have been snubbed. First there was Gordon's refusal to take any of the dead tree journalists on his disastrous visit to Iraq. A few days later he snubbed them again. He announced his decision not to call an Autumn election in a one to one with his pet reporter Andrew Marr, leaving (as one reporter put it) the rest reporting from the gutter opposite No 10.

    Since then there has been a united criticism from the press, even from those normally loyal to the left. Brown has made a massive miscalculation: you can dump on the public and get away with it, but not the press. It's the press that put Prime Ministers into No 10, and it's the press that can remove them. Gordon had better be very careful to avoid spin during his brief to the press this morning. He is already in for a grilling and any sign disdain or any arrogant reaction to their questions will see an "open season" on Gordon the Bottler Brown.

    The press conference will take place at noon, he will face MPs in the Commons at 1530 and then address a mass meeting of all Labour MPs.

    One thing is for sure, Gordon will not have been looking forward to today. It's make or break time.

  7. It's worth noting as well that Gordon's ascension to PM meant that Anji Hunter (Mrs. Adam Boulton) had outlived her usefulness to her employers, oil company BP, and so is soon to be unemployed...

  8. Have you thought of taking up knitting as a hobby instead of getting over-excited by obscure TV shows? Anyway this one clashes with Bargain Hunt...

  9. Boulton and Sky are "miffed" because they weren't offered the "exclusive" or joint interview but even so the"Big Match" is likely to turn out to be a "damp squib"

    Whatever his personal views Boulton knows that if he goes too far he is unlikely to get any favours or "exclusives" from Brown or Ministers in the future. Gordon will allow him a "hissy" to-day in recognition of the "balls up"(no pun intended). Boulton relies on his access to government - if he loses that he's "shafted" for the next 2 years.

    As "chatterbox" said - Gordon neither forgives nor forgets a slight or a criticism - he holds a grudge for a very very long time

  10. Chatterbox - the government lives and breathes on it too. Consequently if Brown gets a rough ride and then decides to snub the media the only person that it hurts is Brown as hte govt won't get its message across.

  11. David Boothroyd, leftist/socialist/elitist appologist for a crooked and nasty regime? I will bet that you have a cushy nonjob with your nose in the trough? BUT you are the first to defend your cowardly leader as he makes a balls of manipulating the media so that makes you either a true "Gord the Fraud" drone or stupid?
    That ghost written fraud of a book about courage just about sums up your pathetic excuse of a leader!
    Nobody bought that(a stooge bought 6000 to pass around schools)and nobody is buying his excuses anymore!

  12. Will this be on analogue radio or the web as I have no access to satellite TV at my current work address.

  13. The press pack at these events are chicken-hearted bastards to a man (except for John Snow,who dares ask actual questions, or Michael White, who is a pompous chicken-hearted bastard) and all they want is to hang on to their expense accounts.

    You won't get much of a show, but I secretly hope I shall be proved wrong.

  14. Well said Desperate Dan - the spin on 'reliable in a crisis' has become ridiculous - in fact it reveals exactly the same mendacious self promotion as the trip to Iraq and events leading up to 'bottlegate'. It's all part of the same deceitful behaviour. The election debacle is not some aberration as bbc/nulab would have us believe - he just got caught out (bigtime) on this occasion.

  15. Do we know if the Beeb is sending Marr or Robinson at noon?

  16. Not a sheep

    News24 is available on the web- go to BBC website/news and click on link

  17. Will this be on analogue radio or the web as I have no access to satellite TV at my current work address.

    October 08, 2007 11:13 AM

    Hopefully it will be on the Daily Politics on BBC2 at noon.

  18. As he's a snivelling coward he might only invite questions from incomprehensible journalists from Peru and Ulan Bator.
    And by their actions Mirror journalists will demonstrate the outcome of Rupert Murdoch's meeting with Gordo at Chequers this weekend.

  19. I think Oscar Miller has nailed the name for Gordon's Bottle Saturday :


    Well done Oscar

    Alan Douglas

  20. Sorry, I found it on BBC News 24 on-line and what a marvelous performance by our great leader. Does he learn 3 key phrases and use them over and over again or is that just my imagination?

  21. This sort of debate is a complete charade. If Brown does not allow follow up questions all we end up with is a series of political slogans. He's not being held to account at all. At best it's sniping on both sides, at worst it's a simple waste of a decently sunny morning.
