Friday, October 12, 2007

Sky News Papers

Right, off to do the Sky News papers at 10.30pm and at 11.30pm with Julia Hobsbawm. Later.


  1. Hi Iain, guess the "no swearing" post attracted some comments. One of your sort of regular commentators "John T." got a bit carried away and I think posted an intemperate piece. A few actually.

  2. Nice to see Brown get another good kicking on Newsnight tonight.

    Latest polling shows that 76% of voters think Brown spins at least as much, or more, than Blair.

    Paxman lead the charge to kick the Glorious Leader in the teeth followed by Anatole Kaletsky and Polly Toynbee who has also kebabbed the wretched, lame-duck PM in her Guardian column today.

    Brown has been wounded terminally and will have a dismal time hanging on for another 2 years.

    It's all he deserves.

  3. I don't think he'll manage to hang on for another two years. His "administration", if one may dignify it so, is in shreds and tatters and he is increasing perceived as weak and insecure and a butt of jokes.

    Personally, I think he's already finished. When he actually goes is something else, although his ambitious colleagues will knife him in the back in that inclusive way of fraternal socialists. Who will be the one who brings him down?

    My guess, Alan Johnson, who, as an ex-postie, has popular appeal and manages to maintain an amiable facade. The rest of them look too ravening. Especially Jack Straw. A lean and hungry look never goes over well with a weak leader.

  4. liked the jacket...very smart

  5. Where's Derek Draper tonight?

    He's not been sectioned after last nights embarrassing public meltdown has he?

  6. The Hefferlump in the Telegraph has reverted today to his true colours:

    He has done an excellent job of exposing Brown for what he really is - at last!

  7. Verity, Johnson has an amiable and attractive facade, but underneath I gather is very unpleasant.

    David Milliblob apparently conducts himself like a medieaval Prince in Westminster, refusing to speak to lesser colleagues and underlings.

  8. Hasn't Brown ever heard the expression: "WHEN YOU FIND YOURSELF IN A HOLE, STOP DIGGING!"

    Brown is being slaughtered in the media for stealing Tory policies so what do they do? They continue to steal Tory policies.

    Today the over-made up Brownite-clown Andy Burnham says the Government want to change the tax regime to help FAMILIES.

    Precisely what George Osborne said at the Tory conference!

    The differnce is, when Osborne says it you know he means it, when Brown and co say it you know it's just a load of spin that will never happen.

    In case anybody didn't know it already, Brown has proved in the last ten days that he is totally unfit to be Prime Minister of this country.

    Doesn't he realise that this country is a DEMOCRACY and that it is not democratic to have a Government whose main aim is to DESTROY THE OPPOSITION?

  9. Yet another "Damascene Conversion" for Labour ? All under a week too !

    Andy Burnham now says its right that the tax system recognises marriage. Pretty good considering that the Labour Government and Brown have done exactly the opposite for the past decade and in fact introduced a tax system that penalises marriage !

    This, of course, has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that the Tories highlighted tax proposals along these lines in their conference. No doubt Gordon will tell us that the Treasury has been working on this "for some weeks.

  10. Alan Johnson was on "Desert Island Discs" on Friday.

    He said that he had not stood for the leadership as he thought that Gordon Brown was the best man for it and he was happy being a government minister.

    Which translates as - he would throw his hat into the ring if someone else put the knife into Brown.

  11. Right I am off to Iain Dales Diary. Click then off to make a pot of tea while the site loads up.


    from 26 to 12,569 in a few days.

    sign up please.

  13. Why don't all you bloggers put your money where your mouth is and march down to Buck Palace and Westminster and start a Revolution, preferably on 5th November (as long as it's not cold or raining). No one in our weak, pathetic government is going to stand in your way.Iain can claim the Throne:-)

  14. Johnny Norfolk, Have you just upgraded your norton antivirus to the 2008 package, I have and it has slowed me down. Just wondering. I run XP with a 3gig processor 1m ram and up to 4 meg (never get it) broadband.

  15. Alan Johnson is the only member of the labour party i can tolerate. Even if he did flirt with my mum.

  16. I was speaking last night to a friend and realised the weight ofso many right stories were being expressed in the papers - and receiving sympathetic responses from Jo public ...

    -Deaths in hospitals
    -Paper work for police men
    -Gordon and Darlings mishaps
    -Immigration pressure on resources
    -Size of the State in the North
    -Civil servant Airplane expenses
    -Army being under funded
    -NHS being over funded
    -It goes on and on

    I don't think this is a glitch in the polls.

    But I still think it will be the price of oil that brings the economy and Gordon down over then next 2 years. Green taxes on petrol will become a no-no with the electorate.

  17. Geek moment.

    Johnny Norfolk. Bang on. But get Firefox and adblock and noscript and it takes out most of the crap.

    Still, loading the site is the price you have to pay for this incredible blog.

    Never, by the way, never, use Norton Antivirus. Try getting rid of it!!!

    I use AVG free version having scrapped Norton on day one. That, coupled with "system restore" and a large bit of common sense, has kept me virus free for as long as I have had computers.

  18. Judith - I'm sure Alan Johnson is quite an unpleasant person. You don't go from being a postie to being a government minister without a ruthless streak. But he has the nous to hide it well. (And that's another ruthless quality.)

    I think Brown will be out in less than two years.

    Anti-virus - I think Norton's too big and heavy, which is why it slows everything down. I've just gone with Avast! and it's very light.

  19. Avast! is also free. And I use Ad Aware, which is free. Norton is a nightmare and I really don't think it's designed for private people. It's much too big and interfering.

  20. Hey people

    Thanks for the advice I have Norton so I will have a go trying what you say.

  21. At least Sky has a decent chair for you to sit on.

    I worry about the BBC News 24 chairs the poor paper reviewers sit so uncomfortable no arm rests and the presenters hang onto their lap tops well worth a visit from the Health and Safety hope no-one rolls off the set..

  22. Trend Micro have a good (and free)online virus scan...
