Saturday, October 13, 2007

Margaret Thatcher TV

Mike Rouse has put together a fantastic collection of video footage featuring Margaret Thatcher HERE. He's created his own TV channel using a facility called Mogulus. It's apparently very simple. I'm hoping to include this feature in the design for my new blog which will launch soon.


  1. Any news about John Bercow's supposed defection to the Labour Party or are we to assume that it's been postponed because of unfavourable conditions at the destination?

  2. I wonder if Quentin Davis will want to come back now???

    I bet he is little more then a laughing stock on both sides of the house...

  3. It might be easy but it doesn't work on my Mac.

  4. is she going to be selling fresh pasta on tv now too?

  5. Hey guys and thanks for checking it out. Mogulus is very much in beta mode, so there's a few things they've got to work out, such as better support for Firefox and Mac users. It's odd how it's in Flash yet doesn't work properly on these systems - that's normally the reserve of Windows Media. I have communicated with the team in New York behind Mogulus and they assure me that they are working on this. They're also working a range of features such as an on-demand library, and a really cool range of interactive tools. Imagine watching the TV screen on the left and let's say there's a debate going on. All of a sudden a poll appears on the right hand side for you to say where you sit on the debate, which then gets fed back to the live programme. Neat, eh?
