Thursday, October 04, 2007

Quote of the Conference

"Sometimes I have to adjust my balls because they hang to the left and I worry they might be ideologically unsound."
Courtesy of Caroline Hunt


  1. Iain - what do you reckon to Ben Brogan's prediction that Brown won't call an early election?

    Sounds like the Clunking Fist is 'frit' and wants to spend months analysing Osborne's tax proposals. They really are rattled, aren't they?

  2. Oh, and on the issue of the way that Dizzy "dresses", I thought these matters were between a gentleman and his tailor.

    I know Caroline is a good "bloke" (and she smokes - big plus!) but she should not be party to this sort of thing.

    As for me, I swing to the right so it must be in my jeans (sic)!

  3. Surely the whole point of Cameron's speech today was that it rattled no-one. It was a massage with no lasting effect.

    Brown should feel very confident this morning.

  4. They're doing it again you know. It's very worrying.

  5. Perhaps Dizzy better put a swingometer on his site.

  6. Mr Dale,
    Would you please let this sort of comment from 'Dizzy' lie where it should - in the gutter.
    If people want to read this stuff, then they can turn to the kinds of blogs that peddle it. It doesn't have a place on those that wish to be taken seriously.
    Thank you.

  7. Mr Dale,
    Would you please let that sort of comment from 'Dizzy' lie where it should - in the gutter.
    If people want to read that sort of stuff, then they can turn to the kinds of blogs that peddle it. It doesn't have a place on those that wish to be taken seriously.
    Thank you.

  8. Surely there are already two ideologically unsound balls on the left?

  9. Mr Dale,
    Would you please let this sort of comment from 'Dizzy' lie where it should - in the gutter.
    If people want to read this stuff, then they can turn to the kinds of blogs that peddle it. It doesn't have a place on those that wish to be taken seriously.
    Thank you.

    sense of humour by-pass

  10. It made me laugh out loud, Dizzy.

    For the programmers and script kiddies amongst the readers, there's a good thread on today's Devil's Kitchen on the subject of Dizzy's problem:-

  11. Do you think Winchester Whisperer doesn't realise that he's about the 60 billionth person to notice that I have a name that is amusingly close to a word that Iain doesn't like being used in his comments section?
