Thursday, October 04, 2007

How Dave Cost me £30

David Cameron's speech today was so long (68 mins) that it meant I was rather late getting back to my car in the unsafest car park in Blackpool (it looks as if it has suffered earthquake damage). As we approached the car I said to my travelling companion: "If I've avoided getting a ticket, it means the Tories will win the election". Nothing wrong with a bit of harmless optimism, is there? Sadly, the dreaded yellow pouch was attached to the windscreen. Bugger. So, Dave, your eloquence has cost me £30. A cheque'll do nicely.

I'll be posting a conference retrospective tomorrow morning once my unbounded optimism has given way to a certain degree of realism.


  1. Sod it, stay with the optimism. Just remind yourself it hasn't felt this good to be a Tory since that Basildon result in 1992.....

  2. Iain - sorry you got caught for a parking fine but don't let that dent your optimism.

    If you are looking for a theme for your blog try this:

    Boxing is not my thing but it seems appropriate in the circumstances.

  3. £30 is cheap - even if that's the discounted price for prompt payment. Some London borough's (inc. Conservative controlled ones - putting the Con into parking) are charging £100 & £120, reduced to £50 or £60 for prompt payment. Stealth tax anyone?

  4. These Tory councils can be merciless, Iain, you're right.

  5. You're absolutely right, Iain. He did go on.

  6. unsafest car park in Blackpool (it looks as if it has suffered earthquake damage).

    That's because it's being rebuilt. You, know urban regeneration? Did you not notice all the building work going on around the Winter Gardens?

    That crappy little seaside town that you apparently loathe so much is doing it without support from you and yours. You whine about going and then can't get out quick enough.

  7. You are right to optimistic, the conference went better than any of us could have hoped.

  8. Talking about superstition, on PM yesterday they interviewed a Blackpool fortune teller who said she'd seen how relaxed Dave looked on the pier and predicted good news for him based on the 'vibe' he was communicating. So who needs polls when you've got clairvoyants?
    Stay optimistic Iain, I think there's every reason to be.

  9. I think that the 'Diana' thing will perversely be of assistance. Most of the main stream press were working out ways of giving the Tories a good kicking in conference week. That just hasn't seemed to have materialised at all, and the public have avoided the sight of headlines about defections and splits.

    Will be interesting to see the poll results but my instinct [which I felt last weekend when the papers published details of the clashes with a November election] will be that Gordon is going to bottle it.

    Which gives the Tories a good six month run-in of feverish planning and campaigning. Now the only thing to worry about is where to store Oliver Letwin, Norman Tebbit and Lord 'Michael' Ancram over winter!

  10. that crappy seaside town has a Tory council, Justin....

  11. Anonymous @ 10.49 - So you're saying that Blackpool is crappy thanks to the Tories? So Iain's happy to whine about horrible little Blackpool but unwilling to front up as to why that might be the case. Is that it?

  12. Kinglear: "Try for 2 out of 3..."

    What on earth does this cryptic comment refer to? Why not give us a bit of a clue? We don't all have time to puzzle things out to see what you're getting at!

  13. Maybe this is a lesson in why you should use public transport Iain?
