Monday, October 01, 2007

Gordon Says 'Bend Over'

Hattip Theo Spark


  1. Gordon, patron saint of tax accountants, and fiscal complexity.

  2. Make a million.

    Keep a million.

    wow - that will keep the council house tenant vote rock solid.

    Er, except you won't make a million.

    And if you do, you won't be able to keep it, because, er, you'll be dead.

    Another sure fire election winner from the party that brought you the poll tax.

  3. The infinitely more intelligent and well informed Ben 'the brain' Brogan has shot your fox here, methinks...

    But then he isn't angling for a safe Tory seat, and he is a proper, real journalist...

  4. Here come the anons again....Labour must be burning their candle at both ends worried about this one.

    Finally something to get excited about. Osbourne could have pulled a blinder here. Hit the mega rich, who will cough up the £25k without blinking, and appease lots of hard working people.

    PS I live in an ex-council house, and it's worth over £200k. My parents, both ex-lowly public servant teachers have a house worth half a mill and assets of another couple of hundred thousand. At least we might get away without having to juggle the family assets around too much now. Which would be just a pain and worry.

    Thank you Tory''re back in the game. Give Gorden a good stuffing.

  5. For those worried about non-dom nurses, teachers, etc having to pay £25k - that's fairly easily solved.

    You could say something along the lines of: anything non-doms up to £100k earned overseas, they pay no tax on. Anything over that, pay at 25%, up to a MAXIMUM tax bill of £25k.

    I presume most of the wealthy non-doms that this is aimed at get a lot more than £200k pa from their overseas investments, and will pay the £25k without thinking about it.

  6. Gordon Brown, the world renowned amateur proctologist.

    Well we've all spent far too long with Gordon behind us - backing Britain, apparently.

    Time for him to hang up his rubber gloves and rest his grasping digits.



  9. NuLab must be in a panic - they've activated their Anymongs after some weeks of lethargy although with all these new staff they've taken on to-day they have to make sure they get their money's worth I suppose.

    Totally agree with Sonicdeathmonkey - My elderley parents and those of my wife both have houses worth in excess of £500k plus investments - they're not rich - just worked hard for 40 years and saved - so Labour can shove their class hatred and their criticism of people who have £1M estates being the wealthy few - IHT is an iniquitous tax targetted at handing on family wealth to the next generation . Osborne's announcement will play extremely well in the country and Labour know it hence their attempts to rubbish the policy starting with Darling's inaccuracies and spin on News 24 this evening


  11. Anonymous posters posting links without adding any comment.


  12. My children won't be dead though, 7.21 and they will be able to continue to use the saved and earned money we put together over our lifetimes, and they'll use it to help their eventual children.

  13. hatfield girl - indeed they will, to the exclusion of the help of the poor of society. But the health, education and betterment of the many ain't a big priority in Cameron world...

  14. So that's why Gordon keeps his nails short......

  15. The poor of society would be better served by this government not squandering endless amounts of money, eg on quangos, Olympics, Diversity Directors and fighting unnecessary wars, rather than trying to screw every penny out of bereaved families.

    Anyway the IHT tax take will probably go up with this change as there will be much reduced incentive to take already perfectly legal avoidance measures (you know the ones people who aren't already very rich don't even realise exist)

  16. Anon 9.05
    I cant see the betterment of the many being a priority of the current government, so what's your point?

  17. Bend over England would be far more appropriate.

  18. For those worried about non-dom nurses, teachers, etc having to pay £25k - that's fairly easily solved.
    You could say something along the lines of: anything non-doms up to £100k earned overseas, they pay no tax on. Anything over that, pay at 25%, up to a MAXIMUM tax bill of £25k.

    Now theres a problem here.

    Did Osborne include thousands of the first group in his calculations?

  19. 9.05 How do you know what we, and our children, might choose to do with our money? The state damages the less well off it doesn't benefit them except in the crudest meaning of the word.

  20. that will keep the council house tenant vote rock solid.

    Thanks anon. I think we recognise that keeping the poor poor and the Coucil house tenant in serfdom is Labour`s aim. Yes pursuing their disastorous welfare for nothing plan they have indeed kept the "Coucil House Vote solid"

  21. hatfield girl - indeed they will, to the exclusion of the help of the poor of society. But the health, education and betterment of the many ain't a big priority in Cameron world...

    Does it occur to you offal-for-brains that the creation of wealth and social stability is a prerequisite for compassion and the ability to express it
    It was ever so fair in Eastern Europe wasn’t it . They all got precisely f--- all.
    You may be happy to live the life of a battery chicken but I am not . Seeing the plastic coppers so infantilised that they could not try to save a drowning child I do begin to wonder if those on the left are so determined to be units of production that they have forfeited their human rights

    Do we give human rights to a teas-made? No, Then why a socialist. He does nothing useful , his brain resets to zero everyday and he squawks the same tune forever.

  22. Gordon Brown: public enema no. 1

  23. Disgracefull homophobia of the worst kind, using Gordons sexuality too attack him polittically.

    You Tories should be ashaimed of youreselves!! Clearly their are no depths you wont not stoope to to win the next election.

  24. ashaimed?
    wont not stoope to?

    Just look what 10 years of Labour have done to this poor child.

  25. "Gordon Brown: public enema no. 1" (10.34pm)

    Well, the thought of him for another 5 years certainly gives me the shits!

  26. Iain I see Gordon Brown is trying to commit treason and get a headline in the BBC news by leaking the recall of 2000 troops for Iraq as reported by the BBC. Amazing this should happen this week rather as properly in Parliament next week.

  27. Just seen Newsnight interview of Alan Duncan by Emily Matis (she really is rubbish) where she tried to suggest Phil Hammond was disagreeing with Osborne.

    But the article on the BBC website was less equivocal in fact, if you read it, Hammond is saying exactly what Osborne has said. We must not make unfunded spending or tax cut promises.

    Of course, Stephanie (I don't need a tax break)Flanders on Newsnight was trying to find chinks in Osborne's figures but not very convincingly. If she isn't actually part of Labour's spin machine she should be.

    So far, the BBC is in its usual form. All is well in the Brown kingdom and when he pulls out all the troops from Iraq next week because many fewer people are being blown up then his coronation will follow very shortly.

    How low can low politics go? Watch the BBC!

  28. Stephanie Flanders' analysis was lucid and convincing, as it always is.

    I agree that Emily Maitlis screwed up the interview with the supremely smug Alan Duncan, who could only keep repeating that "the figures add up", as he had no idea how to prove his point.

    A better interviewer would have wiped the floor with him.

  29. king cnut (12.21am)

    You fancy Stephanie too, don't you? Rather spiffing, isn't she? And she works cheap - no tax breaks for her.

    But lucid and convincing? I don't think she could do more than spout the Labour spin she had been fed. There was no depth or certainty in her analysis. It was all rather weak, I thought.

    As for Emily ("I don't dress to impress") Maitlis versus Alan Duncan, I think she tried to get worked up but she's a "fag hag" and should really be working on a tabloid newspaper where her (lack of) talent can be used to its best advantage.

    Duncan won that little skirmish.
