Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Bloglash (n)*

If you have grown fed up with my bloglists, you will find THIS is quite funny.

*word coined by Britain's 55th best blogger (who seems to have a very busy new blog banner with, er, six pictures of himself. I remember getting slaughtered when I had four!)


  1. Quite funny?

    Here are my top 100 reasons for finding that very funny indeed:

    Cont. p94

  2. Proves my point that you are a top ranker, Iain.

    Keep bashing away, you old cove!

  3. Lost The Will to Live - Funny!

  4. Me too, verity!

    PS: What do you think of that topped ranked blogger Chris Paul?

  5. I wrote an article on conservative democracy website in april 2006 using the term 'mediocracy'. can i claim to be the originator of the term - meaning rule by media?

    Johm Strafford thought it was a typo and changed the title to mediocrity, but the word was also used in the text and not 'corrected'.

  6. Presumably as opposed to 'Blogbrush', for those whose blogs demonstrate that they are clean round the bend.

  7. tapestry said..."I wrote an article on conservative democracy website in april 2006 using the term 'mediocracy'. can i claim to be the originator of the term - meaning rule by media?"

    You can claim that but, to everyone else, it means "rule by the mediocre".
