Saturday, October 06, 2007

Courage? LOL

This was the original cover for Gordon Brown's book. In the end it was just called COURAGE. The publishers should demand their hefty advance back.


  1. Not autobiographical one presumes!

  2. election will be called tomorrow morning. gordon's playing it very close to his chest....

  3. You should write one called 'SNIDE' Iain. Why on earth should any PM call an election a couple of years early unless they're going to improve their party's position? The proposition that they should is RIDICULOUS.

    You just annoyed that you'll not get parachuted in as an A lister to figurehead a thumping 5,000 vote swing against the Tories?

  4. Can't control his people briefing behind his back?


    He bottled it with Blair, now he's bottled it with Cameron...

    Weak, weak, weak!

  5. From Clunking Fist to Flunking Cyst in one fell swoop.

    Well done Gordon, you are the new Jim Callaghan.

  6. Lets not do down Jim Callahan - he was the last decent man to lead up the Labour party.

    Since then its been foaming at the mouth lefties or liars.

    Gordon Brown is no Jim Callahan.

  7. Jim Callaghan was no Jim Callahan either.
