Saturday, October 06, 2007

Breaking News on Sky: Three Hours Late

Hilarious. It's 4.45 and Sky News just breathlessly interrupted a phone interview with Tony Benn to announce the breaking news that a News of the World poll has just been released showing a 6 point Tory lead in the marginals. Fact: The News of the World story was put on their website at 1.55pm. Sky only announced it because it popped up on the Press Association Newswire service.

Why on earth didn't the NOTW tip off their Murdoch stablemates?


  1. Wonderfulnews but I still cannot get over the fact that a 6 per cent swing to the Conservatives would give us a hung parliament. Bias in the system or what ??

  2. Good stuff Iain. And he would never have won in Scotland. Cameron should act like a statesman now. Remember what happened to Callaghan in 1978. Brown has turned out to be what everyone said he would be like. Spin and it is now proved that he puts party before country.

  3. Sky are also fans of nicking exclusives off News 24 and then crediting them to "Sky Sources". Next time you're at N24, Iain, ask to see the list that's kept of every time they do it.

  4. BJ I shall be on News 24 paper review tonight. If you are in, come and say hello! Also doing SKy at 10.

  5. I'm knocking off at 10. But I think it's to my advantage for you to not know who I am, frankly!

    (BTW I'm not anyone important, or what you've heard of)

  6. You should be careful about saying things like 'FACT: Sky news has just seen this drop on wires....' Actually, we had it for hours but under a STRICT embargo which we decided not to break. That embargo ended at 16:45 - and we counted down to the second, breaking the news at 16:45:00.
    Like us Iain, you should check your facts........
