Saturday, October 06, 2007

Breaking News: Brown to Rule Out Autumn Election

Nick Robinson reckons Gordon Brown will rule out an autumn election in a statement later today, and may even rule one out until 2009. More later...

UPDATE: At 3.15 Nick Robinson posted on his blog that an ICM poll of marginal constituencies showed a significant Tory lead. He ended the blogpost saying: "Surely they will have to confirm soon that there will be no snap election." Half an hour later, at 3.50pm the story appeared on the BBC News website that Brown is expected to rule out an election. So in that half an hour Nick Robinson was presumably told by Gordon Brown directly, rather than one of his spinners, that the election was off. Otherwise I doubt whether Nick would have gone so strongly with it.

UPDATE: Tim Montgomerie on ConservativeHome actually had the scoop at 3.22pm. The biggest scoop so far for the blogosphere?

UPDATE: No, it was Danny Finkelstein at 1.50pm HERE. Unless, as Esther would say, you know better. Or was it Cyril?


  1. Gordon's bottled it - no surprise there. Probably better for the Conservatives this way too - longer to build up a commanding lead and get rid of this stealth taxing constitution wrecking bunch of leftie liars good and proper, rather thna risking a hung parliament with Ming in the middle (in his dreams).ct

  2. to be known for ever more as bottler Brown!

  3. Gordo's just going to look weak, weak, weak after this...

    Can't wait to hear the taunts in the house....

  4. Gordon wimps out of making an announcement. Too frightened to show up of the cameras.

  5. How disappointing, but really not very surprising. Brown might be many things, but he's not a risk taker - well, not with his premiership. The economy, the stability of the banking system, the good of the country, etc, is another matter entirely.... he'll take risks with those all right. And now we have him until 2009? 'Disappointing' was probably the wrong word to use...

  6. On this page of the BBC website:

    The video headlined: "Ruth Kelly dismisses new opinion polls" describes the poll showing The Conservatives and Labour level is described as "the grimmest". Not "the grimmest for Labour", just "the grimmest". This instinctive bias is becoming seriously damaging to our democracy.

  7. Double fantastic news day for the English! We stuff the Aussies who had underestimated us and Gordon the Gutless King of the Scotch bottles it! Labour are finished! He tries to be tough and ends up a coward!

  8. Gordon just blinked.

    If true Cameron has pulled off one of the greatest political comebacks in recent history

  9. First big mistake from Brown. He should have called an election (or ruled it out) on Monday. Now he just looks like he’s dancing to Cameron’s tune.

  10. Da Fink scooped it actually Iain. He said at 13:50 on Comment Central:

    "I am hearing that Gordon Brown is to pre-record an interview this afternoon for Andrew Marr in which he will announce that he has abandoned his early election."

  11. I am not surprised about this at all. I thought that Brown was taking a big risk waiting until after the party conference season especially with the Conservatives having the last one as they were bound to get a bounce. I think Brown also underestimated Cameron who made him look old with the way he went about delivering his speech.

    I suspect that Brown’s pumping up of electoral expectations will be looked back on as a big blunder as it gave the Tories a very strong reason to unite during their conference. If this had not happened then I suspect Gordon would be visiting the Queen very soon...

  12. It was indeed Esther and sometimes Chris Searle or one of the other reporters. Cyril used to say "And finally Esther" after Esther had enquired: "And finally Cyril?" zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  13. A bottle of brown will never have quite the same meaning again.

  14. Some of us have maintained all along that there would be no election and that there never was going to be an election. Brown simply allowed what seemed like a good idea to destabilize the Conservative Party run too long. Clearly neither he nor his advisers are as bright as some people like to think.

  15. Excuse me, but I think it was Tory Lady on Conservative Home at 11.00 who alluded to its call off, Iain


