Monday, September 03, 2007

Your Questions Please...

Sometime this week I will be launching a big opinion survey looking at current politics and political attitudes. If you would like to suggest questions I might ask in the poll, please do so in the comments or email me. Last time I did a big survey, 2,200 people responded and filled it in.


  1. David Cameron is campaigning for a referendum on the European Constitution Treaty.

    In the event of a referendum being called, would Cameron campaign for a NO vote.

    We need to understand where Cameron stands on the Treaty, not just the need for a referendum.

  2. So are we just not going to talk about your new banner or is that the next post that's going up? I for one think it looks... interesting

    And what's with all the polls and surveys at the moment? Are you actually compiling a massive logarithmic doomsday device based on statistical evidence that you must retrieve from the blogosphere in a cunning and secretive fashion?

  3. "To what extent do the policies of the political party you would be most likely to vote for match your views - 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%."

    I ask this because there are so many things I would like to see happen in politics which no political party is offering. e.g. Who is campaigning against the ID database of all children, shortly to be launched?

  4. Suggested question: "Compared with ten years ago, do you trust British politicians (a) more (b) less (c) about the same."

  5. Why are the Tories having to resort to helping Gordon Brown implement his policies ? Perhaps they are fed up with having languished in opposition for over a decade ?

  6. Why have you dropped 'humour' from your blog strap-line? Is being a Tory no longer a laughing matter?

  7. Question : Every time you hear George Osbourne announce NO tax cuts, or, as this morning, a promise to MATCH Labour public spending, does that a) make you more want to vote Conservative; b) more want to vote Labour ; or c)more want to emigrate/commit suicide ?

    Alan Douglas

  8. Iain, since you had such a large response last time, why not run this past your You Gov friends and help them to tweak it up so that it has some statistical significance? If you are going to get replies in thousands this could be a very important poll.

  9. Do you believe Britain would be better off out of the EU?

    Do you want a referendum on the revised EU Constitution?

    Taxation: more, less, no change?

  10. Do you think tribal politics is an old fashioned concept?

  11. I think the new banner is really a bit tacky.
    Sorry, Iain, but that's what I think...
    You can do better than that.

  12. how about are you sick to the back teeth of Ed Balls writing the political commentary for the Daily Telegraph! On the day Brown loses his poll lead the Telegraph gives Brown the sort of fawning coverage the Mirror would think twice about!

  13. caroline - yes, I think it looks very interesting as well, but it should be replaced with a more 'truthful' one to match the TV 'zeitgeist'. Such as one showing Mr Dale resting his Black Berry on top of a shopping trolley while whizzing round the Sainsbury's in Tunbridge Wells.

    The caption could be 'I don't live in Westminster, I'm not an MP, but nothing exciting ever happens in Royal Tunbridge Wells..'

  14. wrinkled weasel: surveys such as Iain's could never be valid opinion polls, no matter now many people take part -- because they are self-selecting. Opinion polls that are ratified by the British Polling Council are those to which people respond randomly. Yougov polls are more or less OK, because people are sent lots of different ones regularly. But they're not as good as ICM or Mori ones, for example, where people are phoned at random.

  15. "What single issue is most likely to dominate the next general election campaign?"

    I believe it'll be the breakdown of society.

  16. Do you think we should have a system of electronic voting?

    Personally I cannot see why the Lottery machines cannot be configured to accept national and local voting. Or, even referendums/referenda. Getting the results out half an hour after the polls close may be possible and who knows, we may all be winners.

  17. Green taxes to "replace" existing taxes? Yes or no

    Do you believe that Green taxes will ultimately benefit the country/earth?

    Does Dave place too much emphasis on Green matters (while society crumbles)?

    Would you pay more tax to fund Green projects? (shades of the Lib Dems penny for edukashun - that went down a storm didn't it)

  18. Do you believe that the Conservative Party should still be fighting to preserve the Union?

    And if so, when are they going to bloody start?
    Their reaction to Salmond's declaration of UDI was pathetic.
