Monday, September 03, 2007

Meet Matthew D'Ancona

There are few more influential people in Conservative circles than the editor of The Spectator. ConservativeHome has an excellent interview with Matthew D'Ancona today HERE. I've often thought this blog should do more interviews, but I'd like to do them in a different way to ConservativeHome. Any suggestions?


  1. Perhaps you could do another interview with Patrick Mercer to see how he feels about being taken under Gordon Brown's wing, after having been cast out into the wilderness by Call Me Dave Cameron ?

  2. Find out what interests him other than politics. If he has anything interesting to say it will come out in a casual moment. Get him to talk specifically about a political figure he admires.

    Once upon a time I was sent to interview a close relative of a well-known British artist. I was told she wouldn't see anybody and she wouldn't talk. I got to meet her and I started talking about the artist's work in a way that indicated, quite genuinely, how passionate I was about it (and had done some research) Within about half an hour we were sitting on a bench together in the RA, doing the interview.

    Passion about something should not be confused with a lack of impartiality, and in your case, you have no remit to be impartial anyway.

    Since you are really interested in what Matthew has to say I think you will do fine. Go with what ticks your boxes as well as his.

  3. Let blog commenters send in their questions, like in the Independent. It would keep Verity, Newmania and Chris Paul entertained for weeks.

  4. It's a tough one, but when it comes to tough questions, such as, "how do I get rid of stubborn Staines?" the answer is easy! CILLIT BANG!

    Bang, and Staines is gone!

    I recommend CILLIT BANG for most Kitchen uses, even in Thai Cuisine.

  5. I think the interview should be available in text form - transcribed for your blog. Couldn't you just create a link to it?

  6. Yes, take three questions from your 'audience'.

  7. Yes, you could point out to Master D'Ancona that he is an utter tit who has lost my Spectator subscription, if no one else's (oh, and my father's too).

    He is a fat twerp who should never be allowed to publish anything ever.


  8. I cancelled my Spectator subscription when they sacked Mark Steyn (by then the onl;y interesting copy in it) and hired Roy Hattersley. For God's sake. Iv'e no interest in RH's opinion ion any matter at all.

    The Speccie used to be a good paper once. I no longer bother.

  9. I am sorry to say I too have cancelled my subscription to the Speccie. Too few good writers and too much advertising aimed at those whom take home mega bonuses from the City.

    Ask Matthew D'Ancona if his reader profile has changed. Who does he want to buy his magazine?
