Monday, September 10, 2007

While I'm Away...

I'm exhausted. The Boris interview went well at lunchtime (transmission tomorrow at 9pm on 18 Doughty Street) - some typical Boris moments. I've just finished the interview with Stephen Nelson from BAA too (9.30pm tomorrow). And the rest of the day has been taken up with doing all those last minute tasks before you go on holiday.

I've given a lot of thought to what to do about the blog while I am away. I will probably post something most days, but as I haven't had a proper holiday away from everything you'll forgive me if I'm not very prolific over the next week. However, the good news is that I've invited someone to guest blog for me while I am away. All will be revealed later.

PS I shall of course be following the LibDem Conference very closely from my dacha on Lake Como. I mean, who wouldn't? :)


  1. "I will probably post something most days". What part of 'a holiday' don't you understand? Relax, switch off, unwind - our world will go on spinning even without you and your blog for a few days!

    Although why I should be telling an unrepentant Tory boy and self-confessed golfer how to prolong his active life is beyond me. We must be all heart us lefties...

  2. As long as it's not that maniac Cranmer, I don't care who it is.

    Mind you, I might draw the line at the Pope.

    Julian Clary would be good..

  3. Iain
    I visited lake Como a few years back and stayed in Bellagio which was beautiful. Nice walks and good restaurants- give it a try.

  4. Are you recuperating so as to be fully fit and prepared for the selection at Maidstone, as Chris Paul alludes too on his informed blog?

  5. Just seen that Anita Roddick's died. Am I alone in being disgusted that her death's been public knowledge for well over an hour and Gordon Brown still hasn't issued a statement?

  6. Have good hols, Iain!

  7. How about Tim Ireland?

    Granted, it'd be a new direction for the blog, but...

  8. Wonder if they'll use Tales of the Unexpected/Danse Macabre as the theme music on the Beeb again?

  9. Iain -

    What a stroke of genius!

    You've got Mutley in to run your blog while you're away.

    Well will do wonders for your ratings....

  10. So Anita Rodick's dead of a brain haemorrhage. I always thought her hair looked like a brain haemorrhage.

    Although grooming products are not his bag, surely Gordon Brown knows a fellow lefty when he sees one? If it had been Tony Blair he would have been reining in his emotions on the 10 o'clock News.

  11. Have a lovely relaxing holiday, its a place I have always wanted to visit. Forget the blog for a week, we will all still be here when you get back.

  12. Comment moderation is on, so my question is: who approved verity's comment? It's beneath contempt.

  13. Great to see you using the term "dacha", tovarishch.

  14. Verity, if you're going to mock the dead, at least try to spell names correctly. Cnut.

  15. Nice to see the comment moderator is mimicking Iain's fine taste.
