Saturday, September 22, 2007

Tories Not Wickedly Tickled by By Election Result

Lisa Ventura is licking her wounds. Who she? I hear you ask. She's the Tory council candidate in Worcester who lost a by-election with a 17% swing to Labour, thereby causing the Tories to lose control of Worcester Council. Apparently the swing against her was so large because Labour alerted people to her website, which sells, ahem, adult material to women. The domain name of the website is and from that you might expect that it sells a few naughty books. Well it does, but the actual name of the site is Wicked Tickles. Matron! It describes what it sells as "Literotica" (among other things of a more buzzing nature). The good burghers of Worcester seems to be a rather small minded lot and rather than congratulate Ms Ventura for her enterprising venture, they punished her. The full story is HERE.

In a Richard LittleJohn 'you couldn't make it up' moment, the local newspaper report reveals that Ms Ventura lives in Beaver Close, Lower Wick. If you haven't seen the film Porkies, you may well be scratching your head and wondering why that should be funny. Trust me, it is.

Anyway, should you be in the mood for a Wicked Tickles, do visit Ms Ventura's website and make a few purchases to brighten up an otherwise dull weekend.


  1. Does this 'plug' make you a Dildo salesmistress' tout Iain?

  2. Well she can't be too upset: the publicity is going to be great for sales!

    Yet another item to file away under my "Beaver" heading. Who knew there'd be so much material? We have parliamentary beavers in Canada, too.

  3. Actually Iain, by properly researching this story you may have changed the course of UK history...

    The nationals are using the massive swing against the Tories in Worcester (and the loss of the council) as a classic 'middle england' pointer towards a big Brown victory if he calls and election.

    Instead, as you have found, this was all very local and very specific. Another point of reflection for Broon McCautious.

    I also think that it shows just how conservative middle england still is. A lesson to the liberal left and metropolitan right, I feel.

  4. Pardon me while I vomit.

  5. Actually, I doubt if many people were motivated by this. First, the resigning councillor had only been elected in May and emigrated to New Zealand, having not expected to get the visa. Secondly, after having originally supported fortnightly waste collections (the Labour Deputy Group Leader chaired the committee which recommended it) did a volte face and promised a return to weekly collections-for an impossible £400,000 cost of course! Usual Labour hypocrisy

    Our people on the ground worked hard but frankly we also ran an unfocused campaign. The quality of our leaflets was disappointingly poor.

    Since I'm up for re-election next May, and I'm a Cabinet member in Worcester, I intend to see we improve!

  6. She sounds repulsive.

  7. Iain, I think you are possibly being a little harsh to describe the good burghers of Worcester as 'rather a small minded lot'. Many of them may have no problem at all with what she does, but having seen the enormous fuss made by the usual suspects in the media over that Lib Dem councillor who was a stripper.

    Of course, it is hardly in the same category, and these people may have concluded that most voters wouldn't give a stuff, but who can blame them for thinking that the papers might not have taken such a broad minded outlook.

  8. I'm not from Worcester, but I think Anonymous 8:25 is wrong to conclude that the attitude of the local citizenry was driven by what the media might think.

    Many of us will have no problem with people who trade in the coarser side of life, but we don't necessarily want them to represent us in an elected chamber. For one thing, voters may feel her line of trade precludes her from understanding the concerns of the bourgeoisie.

  9. The website is actually, and has nothing to do whatsoever with Wicked Tickles.
