Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Lobby Merry-Go Round Continues: Carlin to the MoS

I've just heard that the Telegraph's political reporter Brendan Carlin has been headhunted by the Mail on Sunday, where he will join Simon Walters and Jonathan Oliver on the political team. Jason Lewis moves to be MoS Security Correspondent and Simon Walters is promoted to Assistant Editor, replacing the redoubtable Peter Dobbie who recently retired. Walters remains Pol Ed too.

Brendan will fit into the MoS team like a glove. He loves the personality, gossipy side of politics so it's fairly safe to say that the Black Dog political gossip column will shift up a gear. Like Walters, he's a story-getter, not just a reporter. And I know to my cost that he has a great knack of wheedling something out of you without you realising he's done it.


  1. Do the Mail on Sunday actually do any proper journalism ? As far as I can tell they simply print what ever is on the Tory Press release.

  2. When Brendan Carlin worked for the Yorkshire Post he was known as Captain Pugwash

  3. Yikes ! Is there a revolving door between Telegraph Towers and the Daily Mail ?

    My concern is that the two will soon become indistinguishable - Private Eye's satirical reference to the Daily Mailograph is sadly becoming a reality..

  4. Does that mean Isaby is looking for a diminutive figure to continue blogging under the little and large banner. Sorry - I know I wouldnt fit the bill - literally!

  5. God, Iain - aren't you gullible to print the Mail on Sunday's press release? Isn't the story that Carlin is the last one to flee the Telegraph's lobby team - even if it means joining the Mail on Sunday? Still, any port in a storm. Leaves Isaby as the last one standing. And you'd have to be desperate to join the paper. Their last lobby journalist has jumped ship and the others are none too happy. How long before Isaby heads over to the Mail as their Political Editor - now the current one has been shuffled off to write leaders...

  6. Aren't all reporters supposed to be story-getters?
