Sunday, September 02, 2007

Some New Blogs for Your Delectation...

I've just been updating my blogroll and added some new blogs which I hadn't known about before...

Miscellany Symposium
Upton Matters
Cllr Phil Briscoe
Greater Manchester Fabians
New Zeal
The Exile
Monkey with a Blue Rosette
Anne Marie Morris


  1. The link to Anne Marie should perhaps be this:

    Yours does not work.



    As I was sunning myself in Tropical climes, I reached for the old Crackberry to see what pearls of wisdom were dripping from your fingers.

    I discovered that it is impossible, to load and navigate your site on these dreadful machines.

    Is there a solution, apart from dropping the ads (which I undestand are revenue raisers!)?

  3. It works fine on my Blackberry, although you do have to scroll down a long way for the content. When the site is redesigned the content will be in the left hand column.

  4. Don't like the new banner. It's trite. And you look too avuncular. And 10 years older. Don't like.

  5. Have a look out for

    Its only just begun, but has a lot of potential as the person running it is one who is described as "going places" by a number of people.

  6. Iain

    Have to agree partly with Verity - could never totally agree!

    You look about your age (56 isn't it?) but the bit about "the heart of Westminister" seems a bit OTT. "Rumour, gossip and speculation" more accurate perhaps - and far more interesting. Unless you are going to change (pardon the expression) the whole thrust of your blog?

    PS: Have you noticed that Ming has had several outings on the MSM in last couple of days? Is this the start of his "surge"?

  7. Hadn't known about? I thought you've just written a directory of blogs?

  8. Steven, I have included 1200 blogs. There's no way anyone can find every single blog on any one day. I put out various pleas for blogs to include and did a huge amountr of research. Several of these blogs listed are ones I didn't realise had a link to be. I have listed your blog in my book, though!

  9. Ta muchly, Iain.

    Please don't forget that I have a sidebar link to you at The Money Blog, and am after a reciprocal.

    Text: The Money Blog

  10. 1,200? That's a lot of blogs. You should sell about 1,200 copies I guess then.

    Thanks for the link.

  11. Herr. Dale

    Your new banner is a bit gay.

  12. Thanks for the link. A banana would have been better, but a link will suffice! And to the commenter about Iain having written a book about blogs - give him a break. I only launched my blog an hour or so before his submission deadline for receiving nominations for blogs. I'm sure the crop he's garnered are also newish.
