Sunday, September 02, 2007

Shadow Cabinet Media Tarts for August

Each month I track the number of media mentions for each member of the Shadow Cabinet through Lexis Nexis with the help of Julian Nicholson. Obviously you cannot judge the performance of someone purely on the number of press mentions they get, but it is an increasingly big part of any politician's job.

* Highest climbers are Philip Hammond and Andrew Lansley
* David Davis reclaims second spot from William Hague
* The biggest drops are Dame Pauline Neville-Jones, David Willetts, Francis Maude and Michael Gove
* From the LibDems, Nick Clegg seems to have AWOL

1 (-) David Cameron2019
2 (+1)David Davis244
3 (-1)William Hague 234
4 (-)George Osborne232
5 (+13)Andrew Lansley107
6 (+7)Liam Fox95
7 (+4)Eric Pickles81
8 (+2)Nick Herbert72
9 (+7)Chris Grayling69
10 (+9)Peter Ainsworth55
11 (+14)Philip Hammond51
12 (-4)Caroline Spelman42
13 (-2)Andrew Mitchell34
14= (+8)Alan Duncan30
14= (+5)Theresa Villiers30
16 (-2)Grant Shapps28
17 (-12)Michael Gove26
18 (-3)Sayeeda Warsi21
19= (-2)Jeremy Hunt15
19= (+2)Oliver Letwin15
21= (+5)Cheryl Gillan14
21= (-15)David Willetts14
23 (+5)Owen Paterson13
24 (-16)Francis Maude11
25 (-1)David Mundell9
26 (+2)Patrick McLoughlin4
27 (-8)Theresa May3
28= (-19)Dame Pauline Neville-Jones1
28= (+2)Lord Strathclyde1
30= (-3)David Lidington0
30= (+1)Baroness Anelay of St Johns0
-Sir Menzies Campbell353 (411 in July)
-Chris Huhne59 (76)
-Vincent Cable53 (70)
-Nick Clegg32 (122)


  1. Delighted to see Fox and Pickles creeping up the charts - they're just the sort of Tory spokesmen to help get the Labour vote to the polling stations.

    Weren't most of Andrew Lansley's mentions about him confessing that his job was a bit too much for him? If being a shadow minister makes him rather too tired to get hospital performance stats correct how does he expect to be taken seriously as an aspirant minister?

  2. Huhne outperforms Ainsworth again!!!!

  3. Yes I wish Sayeeda Warsi could have had 21 less mentions......

  4. Nick Clegg seems to have gone AWOL.

    He’s probably topped himself. We’re all getting a bit depressed in the Lib Dems.

  5. Clegg literally takes all of August off as holiday
