Friday, September 28, 2007

If Ali Miraj Were Leader of the Conservative Party...

Former A Lister Ali Miraj has written a piece for the New Statesman HERE outlining what he would do if he were David Cameron. Well, it's a thought! Actually, he has some rather good ideas in some areas.


  1. I am thinking of writing a similar piece on my blog, also what I would have done if I were Darth Vader...

  2. Interesting commenst by Ali. Not sure I approve of the "safe" seats only being allowed to select from 50 candidates. Let seats choose who they want.

  3. What is the point of putting the top 50 candidates into safe seats? If they are the best candidates they don't have to go into the easiest seats.

    The idea that a candidate shouldn't get a safe seat until they have wasted 18 months in Workington or Warrington is patently wrong. There are plenty of good candidates who have campaigned in their own and/or neighbouring constituencies, been elected as district or county councillors and generally worked for the party without fighting a no-hoper parliamentary seat.

  4. No mentionn of the most pressing problem facing our island nation today - immigration.

    His ideas are OK, but the most urgent need is an end to all immigration from anywhere, and the repatriation of large swathes of muslims, whose beliefs are antithetical to the thread of liberal Western thought that goes back to ancient Greece.

  5. Surprisingly insightful piece from a guy who displayed his complete lack of timing when rocking the boat at the worst possible time.

  6. Matt Pain - Yes but not mention of the fragmentation of our civil society and the gnawing away at the underpinnings of our Constitution occasioned by mass immigration. If he cannot bring himself to address this critical problem, his other thoughts have no anchor to the central problem.
