Friday, September 28, 2007

Bercow Readopted for Buckingham

ConservativeHome is reporting that John Bercow was last night readopted as the Conservative candidate for Buckingham at the next election. I hope this sees an end to the speculation that he might defect.


  1. I'm very disappointed. I was really hoping the little squirt would defect. Gordon must have turned him down must have turned him down.

  2. I would hope after that he does stay. If I was chairman of the local association I would have got a iron-clad promise from him.

    If he now defects then he's a grade A-scumbag....but then most people which defect are.

    (Theres me putting some value in the promises of naive am I?)

  3. I do believe he is a good guy!

  4. Those two points are not mutually exclusive. But if he does defect and an election is imminent then that's a huge gamble for him.

  5. Those two points are not mutually exclusive. But if he does defect and an election is imminent then that's a huge gamble for him.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I can't believe any one would delete a post by Paul Linford?
    To my knowledge he was the first Journalist to call for an English Parliament. shame shame and thrice shame Ian

  8. Has Mercer been re-adopted?

  9. And which party leader does he intend to take his orders from ?

    He needs to make that clear, and the only respectable way to do that is to refuse job offers from other political parties that haven't been cleared with his own leadership.

    Until he does that I doubt anyone is going to trust him.

  10. Since he must be aware of the speculation, one wonders why he doesn't just come out and say unequivocally that he is remaining in the Conservative Party, and combine that with the reasons why he would never join the Labour Party. Shouldn't be too hard for a sitting Tory MP to do.

    The fact he hasn't done that, clearly and in front of a camera (as far as I'm aware), makes me think he is happy for the speculation to continue.

  11. Here's a little parlour game: just what does a Tory MP now have to do to have the Whip withdrawn, just what does a Tory MP now have to do in order to be deslected, and why?

  12. How incredibly understanding of the Buckingham Conservative Association. However, if I were a Tory living in that constituency I would certainly not be voting for him.

  13. His predecessor was a good solid Tory MP, well worthy of support, and he had mine. This self serving career politician was foisted on the constituency, and has been going leftward ever since. No, this time round he won't get my support. I think it really is about time he did defect, and then we could have a Tory back for our MP.

  14. I know that his Labour opponent stands no chance. But even so, for those of us who play the game, what is that opponent's leaflet supposed to say, and why?

  15. I had hoped he would at least face an open primary. I can't believe locals feel well served by Mr Bercow.
