Thursday, September 13, 2007

Dizzy Thinks... About... Things...


Well um, yes... I suppose so... I guess that does make sense...


  1. Whilst we're thinking about "things to think about". What about a story:-

    "Once upon a time" the PM invites a much respected previous Prime Minister, who is not really feted by the new leadership and feels somewhat hurt by that but who is still an icon within their party and parts of the country which the present PM needs to woo . The previous PM is still revered by certain parts of their party with whom the present leader is having trouble getting to buy into his new green agenda

    Present PM says : "You know I can't agree with your policies but I've always admired the way you stood by your convictions in government and your long and distinguished service to our country. (I'm something of a "conviction politician" myself you know)These are difficult times for our country, we face many pressing challenges - terrorisim;world poverty;Europe. I want to abolish the old narrow party barriers and get all men and women of good will to work for the betterment of our society and world. I would really value your advice, on a purely non-political basis, of course and tap into your great experience. May I ask you for advice from time to time, if required -on Privy Counsellor terms, of course?"

    The previous PM, is somewhat flattered, it's been a long time since anybody really took the trouble to value their opinion and certainly not their party.

    "Well, I would have to think about it and, of course there can be absolutely no question of doing anything to support the Government Party but "in the national interest" you say. As a patriot and an ex-PM however I could not very well refuse you on that basis could I ?"

    Just a story, of course, as we're thinking about "things" but ............. nothing in this World is impossible really- is it, if you work at it?

  2. AS my elderly latin master would often say, "If that's the way you think, give it up. There's no future in it."

  3. Wouldn't it be funny if it was in a manifesto though? What about the Ann Summers vote?

  4. Shane,

    Given what some commentators on this blog appear think of Iain and you as his stand-in, probably not a good idea having an article about abolishing the taxing of surrogate pricks as this may be taken as merely a craven plea for mercy on your behalf.


