Thursday, September 13, 2007

Back Where She Belongs

Yes, having a lovely time since you ask. I just solved the problem of the slow-loading. All Mr Greer's fault, natch.

News 24 interrupted my day-dreaming this afternoon, asking if I would like to go on and comment on Lady T meeting Gordon Brown this afternoon. I explained that unless they had a studio in Moltrasio, it'd be a tad difficult. Anyway, they said they'd like to do it over the phone, so that's what we did. I was rather pleased with the way it all ended. I said: "Isn't it wonderful to see Lady Thatcher back in Number Ten, where she belongs?" The interviewer, Sally Nugent, was so non-plussed that she said "Yes!" I shall never accuse the BBC of bias again. Well, not this week anyway.

There's been an awful lot of guff written this afternoon about Thatcher and Brown and Thatcher and Cameron. Lady T and Gordon Brown have known each other for 25 years. I'm told that they had regular conversations during the 1980s when Lady Thatcher spotted him as a coming talent. Their meeting today ought not to have surprised many, although the public greeting might have had the more traditional Labour (and Conservative) supporters reaching for their smelling salts. I have no idea if the timing was deliberate on Gordon Brown's part, but few things he does happen by chance. It would not at all surprise me if he had seen the reaction to the Quality of Life report this morning and thought to himself: "Now's the time to destabilise the Tory right a bit more - how do I do it? Ah, where's the phone". It's another example of him knowing just which button to press to get under the skin of the Tory Party (see my Telegraph column tomorrow for more on this theme).

But of course, there is regualr contact between the Prime Minister of the day and his predecessors. It is part of our unwritten constitution that they are kept briefed on what is happening. Tony Blair had several meetings with Lady Thatcher during his period in office and they spoke reasonably often, especially in the early years. I hope she gave him a lesson on relations with the EU and convinced him of the need for a referendum. No doubt the handbad was swung a few times. I just hope he didn't invite her to chair some policy commission...

Back to Mr Greer, who I am glad to see has been whipping a few of you into a state of frenzy. You'll be glad to hear he will soon be starting his own blog. Or not, as the case may be...

PS So glad I am not available to comment on the Quality of Life Commission report. Apparently I have to download all 527 pages of it, as it lacks an Executive Summary. Think I'll take a pass on that. I wouldn't want to put pressure on the Italian telecommunications system. The best thing I can fsuggest for the report is to immediately recycle it. And that's all I'm saying...

UPDATE: The 'Brothers' are not happy tonight... From PA
"The visit brought criticism from Paul Kenny, general secretary of the GMB union, who said: "This is a huge political mistake which will cost the Labour Party credibility with their core voters and communities up and down the country that still bear the scars of the damage she caused. "Mrs
Thatcher was put out of Downing Street by the Tories themselves. It is unbelievable that she should be invited back by a Labour prime minister. "GMB members will simply not understand this." Tony Woodley, joint general secretary of the Unite union, said: "Political tactics are all very well but millions of people will remember the 1980s, the devastation of the mining communities and three million people on the dole and they will find the sight of any Labour party member, let alone the Prime Minister, welcoming Mrs Thatcher deeply offensive."


  1. hmmm.....still slow loading

  2. Yes, the iron lady would be nice, but what about Mr. Farage? Have you seen the ruckus he makes in the European Parliament? Britain could use a fighter like that in 10 Downing.

  3. She could have told him why she didn't think it worth having a referendum on the Single European Act, couldn't she, Iain?

  4. Do you think she'll've reminded him why she was always so opposed to having referendums?

    I always thought she was sound as a bell on a few matters....

  5. How often did Thatcher meeting with Heath, Wilson or Callaghan?

  6. Rich, no idea, but it does happen, albeit not usually in such a public way!

  7. You cannot pretend that this will not cause the boy Dave some anguish.

    Thatcher has publicly endorsed Big Gordon.

    Should she not now be taken out and shot, like that other dinosaur Ancram?

  8. Have you stealthily removed the post about the slow loading? !

    I have only seen still photos of Thatch and GB but just look at the body language! He is putty in her hands. But of course who wasn't? I certainly was, but then again, Norma Major made me go wobbly. Sadly it was never mutual.

  9. I wish she'd just knocked Gordon Brown unconscious and claimed the Prime Ministership again. She'd have almost as much right to it as he does, as it was given to him on the basis of a meal in a restaurant thirteen years ago ...

  10. I think she has just been appointed to do an enquiry on deprivation in former mining communities.

  11. Well, those shots took some of the space that might have gone to allegations about underfunded state labs and outbreaks of foot and mouth! It also took some of the space that might have gone to proposals for green taxes. Sighs of relief all round, a cynic might think.

  12. Come now, Iain, a meeting like this would have been arranged a couple of weeks ago [or so the BBC seem to have suggested] to get their diaries in line.

  13. This is a public meeting and a very odd piece of PR by Broon. He's trying to wind up the Tory faithful. Brown knows that the BBC won't criticise him for this, but if Cameron so much as mentions her name, they are jumping all over him and Labour ministers are given losts of airtime to say what a nasty right-winger, Cameron really is etc.
    When is Gordo actually going to come up with some original ideas and direction, instead of cheap political stunts and shabby attempts to undermine the Conservatives?
    Mrs T. must really have lost her marbles if she's fallen for this!

  14. Iain,

    Hope you are having a lovely time somewhere really civilised.

    For me this just shows shows how far to the right Labour has slid and explains why the Conservative party now offers no real discernable (to the common man) policy alternatives to "New" Labour - therefore becoming unelectable.

  15. It is official - Iain Dale is addicted to the media spotlight.

    It is almost as sad to see as a talented footballer like George Best pi$$ing away his talent having become an alcoholic.

    When someone can't even take a week's holiday [to prove that he could 'give it up, if/when I wanted to'..] and then fail to have the willpower to 'just say no' less than a week into his self imposed 'purdah' is truly a sad sight to behold.

    We know he will end up like those sad rentagob winoes like Piers 'Morgan' Moron, but there is nothing we can do to prevent it..

  16. "Anon 8.23"

    Says it all don't even have the wherewithal - or the courage, to get an ID. Your utterly pointless post says more about you than about ID.

    Oh, and the other word is "off"

  17. Youe mention of the BBC, Iain, reminds me I haven't seen any mention of any reply to your last letter to La Boaden. Have I missed it or didn't you get one that was worth publishing?

  18. Brown whoring his principles again, the man should be working a street corner.

    No change for New Liebour on that point.

  19. Just more evidence,( as if you needed it) that no one is going to put that arse Cameron into NO10.

    Dump him toot sweet, before it's '97 all over again!!

  20. What is this man Brown's problem? If he likes hanging out with Tories so much why does he not just join them?

    Probably because they're too in to taxing people these days even for Stalin McBroon.

  21. I love Tony Wodley's '3 million unemployed'. Tony, mate, have you any idea how many people are paid off by the state these days?

    And how many manufacturing jobs were lost under Mr Broon and Mr Blair?

    More, I hear, than under Maggie.

  22. Todays events are just confirmation that David Cameron is the first leader of "NUKE CONSERVATISM"

  23. Mrs T in a red dress meeting Gordon Brown. Its a clear message of disaproval to Cameron for all to see.

    The Tory parties outpourings about all these green taxes is just unbelivable. Cameron is out of control and leading the party to certain defeat. I think the damage has been done and the next election will prove me right.

  24. Just read that Saatchi is to work for Labour.............bye bye iain to the Conservative Party I predict and mark my words Iain The Conservative Party will split in two in about two years time a right wing party and a middle ground party will be formed and that will be that....

  25. Referee Thatcher in red . . guides pugilist Brown to the doorway of No. 10 . . . looks down at a flat-out, dazed, despised, Kid Cameron, the new kid on the block, and intones over his sprawling jelly-like shape . . . Eight . . . Nine . . . Ten . . and OUT!


    red dress ??

    Surely 'fuchsia' or 'cerise' ?

  27. Nice damage limitation Iain.

  28. I don't think Gordon is the key source set to destroy the Conservatives I think David Cameron deserves full credit for that. He has cleary no manifesto and just makes it up as he goes along...

  29. And at the end of the day, assuming that there ever is another General Election (thanks to the dear Legislative and Regulatory Reform Act), people will have the vote at the next one who were not born when she left office, and by the time of the one after that she will be dead. Get over her!
