Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Brown Ducks TV Debate With Cameron

Tony Blair's press conferences were always mildly entertaining. Gordon Brown has sent me to sleep. However, I did perk up at a question posed by David Grossman from Newsnight, following up one from Sky's Adam Boulton.
David Grossman: Prime Minister, on Breakfast News in 1987 you said that Margaret Thatcher should accept the then Leader of the Opposition's invitation to debate him live on television. You said it was only right for the British people to see the two protaginists debate each other. However, today you ruled out such a debate. What has changed in the intervening period?
Gordon Brown: Well, er, you know, er... blah....blah...not a presidential system....blah... play for time...plenty of opportunity to question me in the House of Commons...blah...not a presidential system....blah...ok?

I have rarely seen Brown so rattled. David Cameron should challenge him every week to debate with him live on TV. Brown's obviously going to bottle it.

UPDATE: Caroline Spelman has entered the fray... "Yesterday Gordon Brown said he wanted to look at ways of increasing engagement and introducing a ‘new style politics’. Today he is running away from that ‘new style of politics’ by ducking the opportunity to engage the electorate in a TV debate. It is yet another example of the same old spin from Gordon Brown. He cannot be the change the country needs."


  1. Spot on, Cameron and the Conservatives should have been pressing on this this since he became PM. Brown's leadership coup not only meant he faced no challengers but he also missed out on the media scrutiny which would have accompanied a proper competition. He has yet to face a serious interview. Cameron should also get him on the back foot by agreeing to do Paxman and then challenging Brown to do the same.

  2. Cameron would crush Brown in an interview and he knows it. Remember Sarkozy v. Royal?

    What is it with British democracy, Iain, that some politicians are just not willing to debate?

    I would like to see Boris v Ken too on TV, but Ken will never agree.

  3. Hold on a second, Iain. Wasn't it your man, DD, who monstered DC in the Question Time debate? Debating isn't the same as answering questions or making speeches.

  4. The incumbent always has most to lose from a TV debate - that was the main reason John Major turned down Kinnock and Blair's challenge of a debate. Mind you, Cameron's biggest wobble of the second half of the leadership campaign was a not terribly convincing Question Time debate performance against Davis.

  5. brown was frighteningly bad today. he really is a devious fraud. his answers on iraq and eu were frankly insulting.

  6. Iain,

    Kipling is right except to say that Cameron should DEMAND from the BBC that Brown be treated to the same kind of interview, on Newsnight, by three right wing journalists! That would be quite interesting in who they could get to do that interview...save that Brown would decline!

    I have not changed my view of Brown one bit. I thought the Telegraph last Saturday was hoping to push Brown to go for an early election. But it was obvious to one and all that Cameron had had such a good couple of weeks that the polls would inevitably had moved the tories favour!

    Attack, attack attack. AND get people around him within the shadow cabinet who can fight.....and fight dirty!

    The Sun's editorial today should be phrased into a question by Cameron and issued as a challenge to Brown!

  7. Cameron did actually challenge Brown to a debate when it became clear that Brown was going to become leader unopposed. He did it many times. Cameron would wipe the floor with Brown.

  8. Time to reprise Margaret Thatcher's magic phrase: 'He's frit!'

  9. Why not take Brown further on his offer for a new style of politics and engagement and get the Shadow Cabinet to all individually challenge their counterparts to public debates, with the idea of leading up to Cameron vs Brown?

    Osbourne vs. Darling
    Fox vs. Browne
    Hague vs. Miliband etc

  10. Brown has nothing to gain and everything to lose. Just like Thatcher and Major and Blair, he has no reason to give his opponent the oxygen of publicity.

    In any case, I wouldn't write him off against the Boy David.

  11. I expect DC would 'win' such a debate but only because DC is all about style.

    He blagged his way into the leadership by one impressive speech to the Tory faithful (who were anyway looking for an excuse not to back DD who they regarded as a bit of an oik) but now he's being seen for what he is...

  12. This is something that every politician calls for in opposition and then completely avoids when they get into power. In this respect Brown is no different to Blair, Major or Thatcher. As politicalhack say's nothing to gain and everything to lose by agreeing to this.

  13. Learning from the West Wing what Cameron should do is set up an alternative national debate forum ( get a Bishop or such to chair it ) to set out the rules. The just no-podium that coward Brown. Channel 4 will do it - they love this sort of shock treatment.

    I agree with mountjoy Cameron would destroy Brown, as he has in the past.

  14. David Cameron discussed this topic in his blog on WEBCAMERON yesterday.

    Here is the link - it is under 'David's responses' on the forum on Webcameron.


  15. strapworld - Brown has already done an interview with several Newsnight correspondents.

    For those that didn't see it last night, David Grossman's film about Gordo's New Politics is excellent.

  16. Brown makes me long for the return of the soundbite.

  17. Iain, Why don't you update your article with David Cameron's recent quote about debating Gordon Brown?

    You know it makes sense! it's there - in black and white - on Webcameron! :)

  18. So Dave is going to have a TV debate with a brown duck? That should boost 18DS's ratings!

  19. Trumpeter - I had sent in my comment "Frit" about an hour before your comment came on.

    Great minds and all that, but comment moderation does hamper spontaneity and it leads to damp squids like mine now is, although the air around here has freshened considerably since Iain introduced moderation.

  20. This is where American politicians have more cojones than the wimpy Brits. They steel themselves and go through with it. The Brits look very weak-kneed and cowardly. I'm sure every American politician absolutely dreads debating his opponent, but they do it.

    Eric The Fish - I didn't think Cameron's speech was good all. It was all whistles and bells and people were distracted from its pedestrian quality by the fact that he had memorised it and delivered it without an autocue. Stage actors do this every night of their lives and it doesn't get reported on the national news.

  21. Whats wrong with the ZANULAB trolls today? Even taking Their limited brains into account their arguments are looking very much without conviction!
    Do I detect a touch of "trouble in paradise"? Has you glorious leader done something to piss you all off?
    Are you all seeing him in his true colours at long last?
    The Union commisars are not happy bunnies with Gordon because of his outright refusal to give us an EU referendum?
    If anyone thinks that this tube strike is about pay and conditions alone then you are kidding yourselves! This srike is a shot across Gordon Browns bows to make him aware of what he can expect if he ignores the Union commisars!

  22. Strapworld - Brown has done newsnight quite recently in precisely the same format as Cameron.

    Politically, it may make sense for Cameron to demand a head to head debate but as others have said, oppositions always ask this and incumbents always refuse.

    Also these things, when they happen in other countries (eg US, France) are invariably tremendously dull.

  23. Rocker, do you have any proof that Margaret Thatcher and/or John Major ever demanded a face to face debate when in opposition but renaged once in Number 10? I think not...

    Is there proof that Tony Blair and Gordon Brown did demand a face to face debate and then renaged? I think there is...

  24. DC would do better to engage in debate with his own membership as many seem to think the party's key policies include abolishing income tax, quitting Europe and bringing back hanging.

  25. Sorry to steal your thunder, Verity!

  26. Might it be that Gordon Brown does not see the point of kicking a man when he is down?

  27. Jailhouse Lawyer

    Sorry, son, but I've heard the Parole Board will turn down your latest plea for release. Apparently they have had their attention drawn to your increasingly unhinged contributions to political blogs. On current evidence you still appear to be a danger to civilised society.

  28. 1987 ... yes, that year went really well for the Reds didn't it? Mountjoy suggests Cameron would crush Brown in this activity. That may or may not be so. We may never find out. This activity is NOT any kind of simulation of being PM and leader of a government in power. It's an opportunity for a Bullingdon boy with a silver spoon and an application of gel to his hair like my 11 year old to turn some tricks on the big stage. That's all.

    If Blair wouldn't do it - and he would wipe the floor with anyone at such a game - why would Brown even consider it?

    Why on earth should he allow Tories to demand he debate with them on TV?

    This is rather like the Black Knight in MP and the Holy Grail. "Coward!" he shouts armless, legless, policy-less, hopping about in the woods and mire.

    PS Mr Mackay - that's rather good. Ha ha .. Parole Board ... how very droll for a troll. Nice to see you playing nice for a change.
