Sunday, August 05, 2007

Westminster Hour at 10pm Tonight on Radio 4

I will be joining Fraser Nelson from the Spectator and Tara Hamilton Miller from the New Statesman on the Westminster Hour at 10pm to discuss the state of the Conservative Party. Hopefully it will be a little more illuminating than the discussion I have just seen on Sky News between Peter Hitchens and Edwina Currie on the same subject. But then again...


  1. Hope you don't get bounced again.

  2. How come Nick Robinson can write a page in the "Mail on Sunday" but the other BBC presenters are not allowed.I find Nick very dull and to see and read that boring offering today,just makes me wonder why he is given a special dispensation ??

  3. Any particular reason you've chosen to use a photo of Lynne Featherstone appearing on The Westminster Hour?

    I'm sure she won't mind the publicity mind you :-)

  4. I hope you explain that David Cameron is the best chance the Tories have for winning the next general election. They should support his modernising - otherwise they will remain in oppostion for decades to come.

    Why are the Tories their own worst enemies?

  5. Good robust performance Iain, now all we need is 197 tory MP's fighting their way on to radio and TV and displaying the same level of passion.
    One criticism of the excellent Fraser Nelson, he waxed lyrical about the Conservatives underestimating Brown and also pointed out how he had surprised many on his own side. What he failed to do was put any meat on the bone as to why Brown has bounced so spectacularly in the polls, how about an almost deferential media honeymoon?
    If I hear one more comment along the lines that "oh an other chance for Brown to look statesman like" I will throw up. Anyone can stand on the steps of Downing Street in a suit with a serious expression on their gob and do that!
    What has Brown done apart from wear a smarter suit, broaden the shade of his tie, launch heaps of enquiries and check in with cobra on a daily basis?
    Best analysis yet of what has happened or not depending on your view comes not from our esteemed and extremely well paid parliamentary lobby but good old Jeremy Clarkson in the Times.
    I don't think the emperor has any new clothes just a bunch of journalists who seem to be playing along with the charade.

  6. What a waste - a gentleman of your, er, persuasion, on the same sofa as Jenny Scott!
