Saturday, August 11, 2007

Survey Results: What You Think of This Blog


Once a day 23%
Twice a day 22%
More than twice a day 31%
A few times a week 18%
Once a week 4%
Less than once a week 2%

I then gave a few statements and asked you to agree or disagree (the figures do not round up to 100% because I haven't given don't knows)

Iain posts far too often - 4% agree, 87% disagree
Iain is just a Tory Party mouthpiece - 14% agree, 74% disagree,
Iain is using his blog to develop his media career - 39% agree, 29% disagree
Iain should give up on a political career - 10% agree, 63% disagree
I would read his blog more often if he were more impartial - 9% agree, 80% disagree
I would be less likely to vote for him because of his blog - 13% agree, 55% disagree
Iain is a disruptive influence on the Tory Party & should be more loyal - 1% agree, 81% disagree
I'd like to see less gossip & more analysis - 13% agree, 71% disagree
He is to obsessed with trashing the LibDems - 15% agree, 67% disagree
There's too much stuff about blogging - 26% agree, 48% disagree
I like his occasional personal rambling - 75% agree, disagree 9%
He's not half as influential as he thinks he is - 26% agree, 21% disagree
He talks far too much about 18 Doughty Street - 35% agree, 30% disagree
Iain is responsive to his readers - 60% agree, 7% disagree
Iain is far too fair to his political opponents - 18% agree, 47% disagree
He is just David Davis's mouthpiece - 8% agree, 64% disagree
If he gets something wrong he is usually quick to apologise - 70% agree, 6% disagree
Iain is right to ban swearing in the comments - 76% agree - 15% disagree
Iain should never censor comments - 14% agree, 77% disagree
Iain should disallow anonymous comments - 33% agree, 46% disagree
I would comment more often if the anonymous trolls disappeared - 39% agree, 27% disagree

2,113 people took part in the survey in early July. For other results click HERE (age, profession, home) and HERE (who you vote for).


  1. Good that the numbers fell that way, Iain.

  2. These results are really not very surprising, given your readership profile.
    Strong opposition to bad language (note to ID: I must remember this myself)
    Considerable opposition to your banning anon postings - don't be surprised that this has hit your blog's traffic of late.

  3. I'm surprised there weren't more people moaning about the deliberate wrecking tactics of NuLab trolls. Did you allow the trolls to vote more than once?
    The trolls are a real problem on this site. I often don't bother to see the responses, knowing the first half-dozen are from Labour HQ.

  4. "I often don't bother to see the responses, knowing the first half-dozen are from Labour HQ." (Bird)

    Labour HQ or all those Parliamentry reserachers that read this. Did you see that? 5% of the people that did the survey are Parliamentry researchers - presumably on their lunch breaks?

  5. Bird said...

    I'm surprised there weren't more people moaning about the deliberate wrecking tactics of NuLab trolls.

    Perhaps the reason was that they make for interesting reading.If you really think Labour HQ sends a little band of trolls to spoil your day,your stupid.Since the banning of anonymous comments, this blog has been full of some of the most tedious bloggers in the history of tedious blogging.You fellow are one of them.So get of your high horse, and post something a little less wearisome you arrogant twerp.

  6. Steven_L said...

    A gripping post Steve,can't wait for your next one.With you it's just one scintillating comment after another.Please post more often,you owe it to your public.

  7. Peter from Putney..

    Well Pete from Putney it is the naughty anonymous bloggers that make blogs what they are.Have a look at Guidos',they are a rude lot but very funny.But you,and Bird and Steve,well need I say more ?

  8. Graf von Straf Hindenburg said...

    Good that the numbers fell that way, Iain.

    Why would that be ?

  9. "it is the naughty anonymous bloggers that make blogs what they are"

    Wake up Sturgess - that was precisely my point!

  10. Peter from Putney said...Wake up Sturgess - that was precisely my point!

    I realised that rude fellow,with you I was agreeing.

  11. Latest yougov poll puts Labour 10 points ahead which translates into a 146 seat majority.

    Bye bye tory boys!

  12. The fact is that whilst anonymous comments were disallowed, there was virtually no challenge to the revolting smear campaign conducted against Blair, Levy, Turner, Powell etc. in the (so called) 'cash for honours' affair.

    Iain, hang your head in shame or apologise!

  13. Iain - what a cowardly act on your part to disallow anonymous comments in the aftermath of the CPS's decision not to prosecute in the 'cash for honours' affair.

    I hope we NEVER have to hear you droning on about free speech and what an important role blogging plays in political debate.


  14. See what happens when I allow anonymous comments again? Three anonymous comments and three abusive comments.

    I switched off anonymous comments when I left for my trip to Rwanda, which was 12 hours BEFORE the Cash for Honours conclusion was announced.

    Don't make me switch it off again.

  15. Iain, you've been back from Rwanda for ages - so why has it taken you so long to switch them back on?

    The fact is that the tories are having a nightmare and you tried to suppress honest comment.

    You've only switched anonymous comments back on now because your ratings are suffering. I warned you about this shortly before you switched them off but you're so arrogant...

  16. This is just typical. I didn't switch it back on because the level of debate had markedly improved as tossers like you weren't able to pollute the site. I switched it back off half an hour ago to see what would happen. Sadly you and your ilk are probably going to make me switch it back on again. Well done.

  17. Iain Dale said...

    See what happens when I allow anonymous comments again?

    Yes,people like me who read and post on this blog will come back.Don't pretend you did this out of the goodness of your heart.You did it because this blog was being taken over by the most irritating and boring people imaginable.

  18. Please don't tell me why I do something. It's nothing to do with a) the goodness of my heart or b) boring people posting comments. That happened before too. And it's happening now, witness your own contribution!

  19. So, how come all the comment on other blogs is how boring Dale's site has become lately? Why were your stats plummeting?

    You are a tory stooge. You want free speech but only if you agree with it.

    And, I'll thank you for not using abusive language when referring to myself. I have never posted anything like that in relation to you or anyone else.

    You know, underneath it all you really are a little man!

  20. Iain Dale said...

    See what happens when I allow anonymous comments again? Three anonymous comments and three abusive comments.

    They were not abusive.They disagreed with what you had done,but they were not abusive.

  21. Iain Dale said...happened before too. And it's happening now, witness your own contribution!

    More life in this blog in the last ten minutes, than in the last month.

  22. You people make me sick. You abuse the privilege given to you of w=being wholly unaccountable for your comments. You allege things which are wholly untrue yet hide behind the cloak of anonymity. It is not me who is a "little man". You're pathetic.

    And just for the record, my stats did go down by a third while I was in Rwanda. They're now back to roughly where they were before I went, so the decline had very little to do with switching off anonymous comments. But if I lose the likes of you I shan't be losing too much sleep.

  23. Iain Dale said...

    You people make me sick.

    Which comments made you sick for Gods sake.I have re-read them all and their is nothing that deserves that kind of reaction from you.I am puzzled.

  24. Iain, what have I alleged that is untrue?

    Have you actually read the lies and smears from your so called 'attributable' posters? If so, what have you done about it? I'll tell you - NOTHING!

    You delete posts containing abusive terms but then use them yourself - you're a total mess!

  25. "hang your head in shame or apologise!"

    "what a cowardly act "


    "you tried to suppress honest comment"

    "You've only switched anonymous comments back on now because your ratings are suffering"

    "you're so arrogant"

    "Don't pretend you did this out of the goodness of your heart.You did it because this blog was being taken over by the most irritating and boring people imaginable"

    Enough for you? And that's in 30 minutes. Christ alone knows what will happen if I leave it like it is overnight.

  26. Well if I knew which Anonymous you actually were, perhaps I could tell you. Why is it that you cannot give yourself a nickname? but basically everything alleged by anonymous people in the last half hour is completely untrue.

    For the record, I haven't deleted ANY post from anyone since anonymous comments were switched off, apart from two or three which used the F or C words.

  27. Personally I'm disappointed that there seemed to be support for anonymous comment. I think it's pretty pointless , as those posting anonymously may or may not be making valid comment, but who cares anyway?

  28. Iain Dale said..."Don't pretend you did this out of the goodness of your heart.You did it because this blog was being taken over by the most irritating and boring people imaginable"

    That was me,and it was.

    Why is it that you cannot give yourself a nickname?

    I did.
    So those comments above made by me,made you sick ?

  29. But you didn;t ask the question...

    Collectively all those comments are pretty abusive, wouldn't you say? If you gave your real name and slagged me off, then fine, I can take that, but do you really think I should have to take that kind of abusive from people who hide behind the word ANONYMOUS or even RATTY TATTY? If you do, then we have very different views of what is fair and what is not.

    Funnily enough I don't run this blog as an excercise in masochism.

  30. Chuck Unsworth said...

    Personally I'm disappointed that there seemed to be support for anonymous comment.

    Most folk enjoy a good row.Comments need to be brief.Postings should not be used as an exercise to show the world how clever we are.Many of the comments posted on this blog in the last month have been made just a few very,very boring people.

  31. Incidentally, what is your reason for posting anonymously? I am genuinely interested.

  32. Oh please don't switch us off....please, please, please, I beg you.

    From now on I'll only post comments that you couldn't possibly disagree with.

    I will pretend that you are an influential facilitator of free speech.

    And, I promise faithfully that I will lie about and smear anyone remotely connected to labour.

    In short I will behave as one of your irreproachable 'attributable' posters.


  33. Iain Dale said...Collectively all those comments are pretty abusive, wouldn't you say?

    Not for a blog.I post over at Guidos,and I am a Labour supporter.You can imagine the kind of abuse I receive.I get what I expect,heck I encourage it.I doubt many actually supply their own name or address,that would be rather silly.However I fail to see why tonights comments could cause you to feel sick.The nasty Verity who you seem to admire, will soon be back I have no doubt.That is a lady who makes me feel sick,you have no problem with her rants I note.Then there is "little black sambo" never seen his postings making you feel sick.He makes me feel sick though,and that is why when he posts I tell him so.

  34. Iain, why are you so hung up on whether someone has provided an email address or not?

    Surely, if we are not posting anything actionable it makes absolutely no difference.

    I have seen posts on your blog from 'attributable' sources that have made allegations that may be actionable - especially around the time of the 'cash for honours' affair.

    What have you done about this? If the answer is 'nothing' (as it surely is) then what difference would it have made if these posts had been anonymous?

  35. I wonder if there is a case for a minimum IQ established by a test to be required

    Sturgess...Oh God you`re all so booooring.... Is he aware of how funny he i? Like a teenager asked to watch the(booooring) news ? .There are after all plenty of other sex and chatting blogs for him to make virtual chums in. They are there exactly so people who want to pick the nits of eachother have somewhere to go. Go there Sturgess.

    Freedom of speech is overrated its like freedom of piano playing . Those with no talent experience or practice just sit on the keys . The achingly vaccuous gimp sturgess is of this irrelevant simian sort.

    This Iain is the worst thread for a while . Seriously , just pointless. YOu are far to attached to your Libertarian notions for you own good

  36. PS Iain should there be any doubt in your mind go back and look at some Guidot threads of a year or so ago . They were full of poltical analysis and debate. Its like a PG Tips advert now and hardly anyone worth reading bothers...( With one or two exceptions).

  37. Ratty Tatty: "Postings should not be used as an exercise to show the world how clever we are.

    OK, so what should they be used for?

    Are you about to provide a set of rules as to what blogs are/may be, what their purpose(s) are/may be. etc? Or is this an expression of personal opinion?

    My view is simple. It's Iain's blog, he can run it any damn way he wants.

    What the anonymongs don't seem to understand is how difficult it becomes for the rest of us to identify trains of thought and argument or debate. So if you are seriously interested in dialogue, identify yourself, otherwise stop masturbating.

  38. newmania, many of the tory posters on this and other blogs are engaging and interesting.

    However, you truly are a self-important bore!

    newmania says:
    "Freedom of speech is overrated"

    Iain, another shining example of the kind or 'attributable' poster you wish to encourage.

  39. Newmania said...The achingly vaccuous gimp sturgess is of this irrelevant simian.They are there exactly so people who want to pick the nits of eachother have somewhere to go. Go there Sturgess.

    Well Iain now is your chance to act.These remarks made by the malevolent Newmania are far worse than any remarks targeted at you today.Well do they make you feel sick Iain.Well do they ? They make me feel sick,this is a nasty person.Plus he is one of the boring few who have taken over this blog in the last month.

  40. Iain, enough of your diversionary tactics - when are you going to apologise for the smears against Levy et al, allowed on your site during the cash for honours affair?

  41. Chuck Unsworth said...

    You approve of this posting "The achingly vaccuous gimp sturgess is of this irrelevant simian sort." which was aimed at a poster who was not anonymous ?

  42. Newmania said......

    Your a sicko.

  43. Iain, contributions on your site threw mud at Levy and others and it stuck.

    But mud sticks to the thrower as well as the target.

    What are you going to do about it?

    Are you an honourable man?

  44. This is terrible!

    Please switch off anonymous comments Iain. You do not need bottom feeders.

    You have a raft of intelligent and sometimes funny contributors, many of whom rarely agree with you but at least they conform to the rules of decent conduct.

  45. Iain
    For the umpteenth time, your blog is going down the toilet unless you deal with these trolls.
    I know nothing about the technical side of things, but can't you just look in every 30 minutes and delete the obvious spoilers?
    Don't reason with these malevolent bastards; get rid, or you'll lose your regular posters.

  46. Is it possible to remove the 'anonymous' login but leave 'other', so that people at least have to give some kind of name? It doesn't solve the problem but it might eliminate some of the more disgusting contributions.

    So would a word filter on any comments containing 'haha'.

    I have commented on this blog before with my Google account name, but it's the same as someone else's and I'd much rather have a black name for my boring and feeble remarks, which at least would allow me to be justly vilified.

  47. Tories in meltdown!!


  48. Iain, I think you should apologise to Levy.

  49. 'A gripping post Steve,can't wait for your next one.With you it's just one scintillating comment after another.Please post more often,you owe it to your public.' (sturgess)

    Well come on mate, it's hardly the most gripping post either. You reap what you sow!

  50. Turn them off please.

  51. They make me feel sick,this is a nasty person.

    Tsk tsk I`m a lovely person full of warmth and good spirits. You are not worth my bother but if you take some pleasure from writing your sniffling sulks I `m pleased for you. I just say do it on a beer mat somewhere.Fair ?

    Freedom of speech is an illusion , I`d rather see censorship of all left wing views.It would be even better to get some sort of interactive maechanism whereby if anyone started talking about tax rises an electric shock left then twitching in agony for a days.

    That would get rid of them

  52. Anon: 11:11

    Note that I did not say this - you did.

    "You approve of this posting "The achingly vaccuous gimp sturgess is of this irrelevant simian sort." which was aimed at a poster who was not anonymous ?"

    J. H. Christ boy, have you not got it yet? It's not up to me to 'approve of' any comment which Iain may choose to publish - it's up to him to make the decision. Equally it's up to me as to whether I make some response or not.

    How difficult is that concept to understand?

  53. Iain,

    Geek stat warning:

    Thanks, that ties in really well with your own July visitor stats to show that when you publish a figure of 235,139 unique visitors, that is not unique at all, but just adds up the daily unique, even though it includes each daily visitor 30 times.

    It does suggest though that you in fact have slightly less readers than Guido, with around 7,800 per day.

    (23% of 235,139 one view a day = 54081 views, 22% two views a day = 103,461 views, 18% 3+ views a day =218,679 views total around 400,000 and you published a total views of 409,499).

    Anyway, 7,800 unique visitors is a good figure, no need to go all new lab and inflate it 30x.

  54. Iain, why oh why do you get so wound up by a few twats? Just delete 'em! Keep your hair on. Whoops!

  55. Now the blog is worth visiting again.It's a more enjoyable and robust place.Love the simpering comments of the "spinster of the blog" Newmania ,she's bloody hilarious.

  56. Newmania said...

    They make me feel sick,this is a nasty person.

    The lovely Newmania would like in future to be known as Cynthia.Good news fellows, Cynthia is still looking for that special someone.

  57. Wrinkled Weasel said...

    This is terrible!

    Don't be daft lad,War is terrible,poverty is terrible,illness is terrible,starvation is terrible.This is merely an inconvenience.

  58. Love the simpering comments of the "spinster of the blog" Newmania ,she's bloody hilarious.

    I could slap the taste out of your putrid gob in a gingham frock and still have time for Bridge and sherry...oo must go my jams boiled ...toodles

  59. What a brilliant "Blog Brawl".
    Well Done Iain.

  60. I think the important bits of this survey is that more people think that there is too much plugging of that dreadful self indulgent tosh of 18 Dooughty Street than noit, and that more people think Iain believes himself to be more influential than he is than not.

    The two are related.

    And I'm not a Labour supporter.
