Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Tories Offer Olive Branch to MP Retreads

It appears that ex Conservative MPs who were unceremoniously chucked off the Tory Candidates List by Bernard Jenkin have had a reprieve. I'm told that they have all received a letter from CCHQ telling them that if they wish to reapply to join the list they may do so. It's not clear whether they will automatically get back on it or whether they will have to pay £250 to take the day long candidates course again.


  1. That is very interesting. Looks like the great new Tory party has run out steam, members and candidates. It is all down to Boris now.

  2. I mis-read it the first time. I saw "retards". But that couldn't be right!

  3. Bring back Flook

  4. Or someone thinks there's an election comeing.
    Suspect it will take a lot more than this to stop the ever growing grassroot rumbling.

  5. See the Mayoral list has been prepared for a Bonking selection.
    Any effort to keep Boris away from questions by stopping hustings should be strongly resisted-whatever Dave wants.

  6. Brown will not call an election until the USER Constitution has been ratified. Cameron would have a free ride campaigning for a referendum which is supported by 80%. Brown would not be so foolish.

    Murdoch, the USER's main agent in the UK, is now starting a campaign to unseat David Cameron and replace him with William Hague, a Bildeberger who would be unlikely to resist the USER Constitution despite his rhetoric. Then Brown would call his election.
    (See Stephan Shakespeare on CH)

    Cameron will need support from his grass roots to survive the attacks from Murdoch and the coming attempts to unseat him, possibly backed by William Hague.

    USER - Union of Servile European Regions.

  7. See WH's main supporter Ashcroft has already moved in.

  8. The retread question is important as are the former MPs for the success of the Party.
    However I am concerned with the poor support from our tory women MPs who failed to turn out yesterday for Harmans debate on Women.It was left to the Male MPS to debate the matter. Call me sexist but this is a disgrace given the comittment Cameron has given to the election of women.

  9. Are you saying the "May" queen was missing?

  10. Tory lady 8.56,

    I do not think you are a Tory! my best guess is that you are a NULAB astroturfer? Why hide behind a false ID?
    I think Harman is a complete and utter twitt who could not care less about womens issues, real ones that is!
    Isnt she the one who was too thick to understand a mortgage that her crooked hubby set up? I think not! She, like many commisars both blue, yellow and red has bleeding the system white and one look at her bank balance would tell you that she and her crooked husband have done very well out of the system!

  11. Wasn't it Tessa Jowell who had trouble understanding sources of finance which helped pay off a large mortgage, unless of course the Harperson is similarly educationally disadvantaged.

    But perhaps it is easy to confuse them as cloned middle class meddlers who think that they can judge what is best for the plebs.

  12. Hows Adam Ricketts application coming on

  13. Absolutely: Bring back Flook. He's my only chance of becoming Lord Chancellor*.

    *(Google for "falconeration" for explanation)

  14. What about "retreads" who managed to turn their opponent's majority of 483 into one of over 10,000, and thus never actually made it as an mp in the first place? Are they more welcome?

  15. I do not know who Tory Lady or Labour Lady are but they both talk rubbish. I am a genuine Tory Woman who is against positive discrimination of any sort on behalf of anybody. I find it patronising. I do not need men to positively discrimate on my behalf thankyou, nor do I need women to call conferences to discuss my needs. As for the Tory Women2win -absolute laughing stock amonst the women I know. I had better just mention here that I am married with children I don't want to give the impression that I am a strident lesbian just because I can defend my views. I am not bepearled or betwinsetted nor am I botexed, face lifted or inappropriately (for my age) dressed in skinny jeans.

    So will our press and politicians shut up about the bleeding (I can use that word because Iain just has)rights of people who are more than capable of looking after themselves and start worrying about the treatment of our elederly and vulnerable who are being abused in care homes and starved to death in hospitals and please will the politicians give the decision making back to the Health experts and take it away from the Stalinist Social Services.

  16. Re anon @1.10. I dont know who you are anon,but you are out of sinc with Dave Cameron and his Liberal Conservatives.
    Dave as a Tory Boy has encouraged sexism and discrimination against Men- so that is what you have bleeding got.
    He is just digging himself out of a hole because he isnt getting the tory support he would like,so he is prostating himself to the former MPs who he has regarded as Failures and are now likely retreads.
    Like it or not luv but Politics is about discrimination-we are living in a Positive world. Men do not want too look after us anymore. The Tory party loves men and men.

  17. Women Tory MPs look as though they are useless not supporting the debate yesterday. I know one who was roggering at the time of the debate. Must get the priorities right.

  18. Above it says "so he (Cameron) is prostating himself to the former MPs". I think you'll find it's the former MPs rather than him who are more likely to have prostate problems. Let's just hope they haven't converted too many of the Gents to Ladies loos by the time they get back.

  19. so a Tory she cat has been roggering whilst she should have been on the Floor.
    Its a case of a womwn knows she wants to be an MP when really she really knows what she wants of the real stuff!!!.

  20. Was Boris missing at the time?

  21. somebode appear to have already cracked the retread/retard gag ( steppenwolf @ 2.24 on 18.7.07) and so the only remaining point upon which to comment concerns the squeals & giggles of various gurls eg tory girl, labour lady, lib-dem undecided transexual ect.ect
    quite what, one can only wonder, hav got their knickers in such a collective twist...?
    surely not your recent 'poll result' posting bemoaning your under-representation among the 'not fair, not fair, not' fairer sex...hem-hem.
