Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Sad Little Life of Thomas Watson MP Aged 39 3/4

Tom Watson becomes more of a laughing stock by the day. This morning he tantalised us with some huge story someone had phoned him about... but which he couldn't actually tell us anything about. This afternoon he posted THIS cock and bull story about David Cameron making a "secret" visit to Ealing yesterday. I've had to put him out of his misery and tell him that Cameron attended a fundraiser for local parliamentary candidate Angie Bray - a date that had been in his diary months before the by election was even called. Back to the drawing board Tom.

PS The good news is that the fundraiser was a huge success and Angie Bray's campaign can move forward with great confidence!


  1. He is a saddo. I left on his blog a modest guess at what he must have heard in this phone call - as follows.

    'I know. Tony Lit is an android sent to earth by inhabitants of galaxy CCM 4414. All donations welcome at Androids account, Barclays bank, Oxford St, London. The Tory A List is short for Aliens List. Francis Maude is the head of an extra-terrestrial masonic order committed to ending the British monarchy and installing their own queen, Cherie. It's obvious.'

    This morning the comments thread is still there, except my suggestion is deleted. Do we detect sense of humour failure? Do they have humour in the Labour Party? Apparently not.

  2. those fund rasisers may become more important then ever for Dave the rave:

    £8m donor to Tory party was delusional, son tells court
    Businessman said to have been mentally ill.Supporter's heirs claimed Belgrade-born millionaire Branislav Kostic - known to his friends as Bane - was suffering from "insane delusions" when he made his will

    I thought all Tory supporters were round the bend?,,2128868,00.html

  3. Isn't he 40, or can you just not count?

  4. Ah but he's an MP (and five years younger than you are), did you type this in green ink?

  5. It is just as well for Labour they only let Watson loose in a safe seat. But I do hope they let him direct the campaigns in key marginals...

  6. Tom Watson is being selective in editing comments on his blog. I live in the Ealing Southall constituency. I left two comments yesterday in response to his post about Cameron's fifth visit to Ealing Southall, commenting on how much of this campaign has been based on negative campaigning - by all three main parties. I also said another good question might be why hasn't Gordon Brown been seen in the constituency since the campaign began? Both deleted.

  7. Iain, I used to work for a 'blue chip' company, and this reminds me of the saddoes who were David Brent wannabes. They would tell you that they were working on a 'secret squirrel' project which they weren't even supposed to confirm existed.

    Then they would say 'I would love to tell you what is going on, because it is so exciting/important/radical but then I would have to kill you and eat you..'

  8. I've always said you'd have to be a looney to give money to a political party.

  9. I cannot say I am exactly Tom W's number one fan, but he's played you lot for fools.

    First of all he has you all failing the Lee Attwater test - you are more concerned about the campaign staff than the campaign.

    Secondly, he (and lots of others I suppose) have successfully played the Tories off against the Lib Dems.

    Real chance now that the result will be a reasonably comfortable Labour hold with the Tories third. A complete humiliation for Cameron, and you all fell into Tommy's Trap (TM).

  10. If it was supposed to be secret ,why did SKY get a quick interview with him?.

  11. yozzer, taking the word of a money grabbing child are we?


  13. Given that I had heard of Cameron's drinks in the Town Hall it was hardly a secret.

  14. I just LOVE daft Tam Watson! He's so unintentionally funny. Where on earth did he get elected? West Brom was it? If he was the best that the local constituency party could come up with, i'd hate to see the unsuccessful applicants for the selection for a candidate! Perhaps Iain you could start a yearly 'Tam Watson Award' to go to the MP who brings derision and hilarity to the political proceedings at Westminster!

  15. Watson only forty? He looks a lot older and ugly with it. Like Bob Piper he can't stand criticism and deletes any negative posts. Piper is also inclined to tell you to f**k off.

    BTW Iain, have you decided what to do about the trolls?

  16. Tom Watson , Tim Ireland and Sion Simon , I think id rather have Ian Huntley , Ian Brady and peter Sutcliffe around for afternoon tea.
    I have heard the peter sutcliffe does a brilliant george formby tribute act.

  17. By adding a blog mate who has been "moderated" by Tom twice, this chap and the comments on this thread, we're almost in double figures for comment management at Watson's blog over the last few days. The joker takes dishonesty to new lows.

  18. On another subject, The Times reports today that you have a parliamentary pass. Did you not once deny this Iain?

  19. Iain, I wouldn't complain that anyone else is becoming a laughing stock if I were you.

  20. Isn't Tom |Watson that backstabber who said he wasn't with Gordon Brown plotting to overthrow Blair?
    It turned out to be absolutely true. What a cheater he is.
    How does his local party know if he's telling the truth???

  21. He's deleted two of my comments from his blog which were both critical of Labour, but not offensive. So much for free speech.

  22. Conservatives in a tie with Labour on postal votes?? Perhaps Watson's getting scared.

  23. Where on earth did he get elected? West Brom was it?

    There's a midlands football chant that goes "Do you know where Hell is? Hell is at West Brom."

    This is fairly accurate, although the people who sing it come from Wolverhampton so there's a pleasing touch of irony.

  24. Tom Watson's delivery is that he's ultra Labour and very much so Labour. It's a rather pathetic stance to take. He deletes messages by the bucketload that criticise his actions or view, so the only view is his and his alone.
    He's a backstabber. Once a backstabber, always a backstabber.
    Why should any Labour supporter trust a single view person who changes when the going gets a little tough.
    A cheat.

  25. As sad as Tommy Watson is, at least he isn't a Jew-hating, terrorist-loving senile moron like Councillor Terry Kelly (
