Friday, July 13, 2007

Sky Tonight

I'm doing the paper review on Sky News tonight at 11.30pm. I wish I'd followed the Conrad Black trial a little more closely. Watch out for signs of blather, filling and bluster...


  1. Conrad Black is an arrogant, greedy crook. That's all you need to know.

  2. I'm sure you'll then find time to mention that he gave money to the Tories :-)

  3. Blather, filling and bluster, just another bog standard Iain Dale performance then!

  4. Yeah, he is a crook who gave money to a political party - bit like Robert Maxwell I suppose. Oh, and he ran a newspaper too that supported the Labour Party. Oh and he ripped off all the company's pensioners - bit like Gordon Brown?

  5. Totally off-topic, but as seen on Newsnight tonight:

    Labour accept donation from convicted rapist Owen Oyston.

  6. Diablo, Nice one.

    Owen Oyston - That Blackpool FC supporter?

  7. JJ:

    Yep - that one!

  8. Tory Parliamentarian Condrad Black. (Or former, whip gone yet?) We'll keep reminding you...

  9. How come you look completely different on your site than on the TV? :-D

  10. We cannot win. We might as well give up in Ealing.

  11. You may be interested in this Iain.

    Your wildly applauded defectives' stepping stone from Labour to Cameron's Conservatives was founded and is still masterminded by an ex-NF Organiser and jailbird (ABH for 4-5 months of a 6 month sentence) for bricking and wounding a police officer from a moving train.

    Lovely. Though so far he hasn't asked to join himself as far as I know.

  12. Chris Paul:

    So what is your view on Labour taking donations from convicted rapists?

  13. @ Grant

    'We' cannot win? Surely you don't mean the Conservatives in Ealing?

  14. Why do we have to have this constant stream of inconsequential nonsense from this Chris Paul person? What is his point - or, indeed what is the point of Chris Paul?

  15. Just keep your tie straight and look directly into the camera - you know pretend you have been elected to public office, or you are the new host for the Tonight Show in Los Angeles.

  16. My dear Lady Macleod - are you sure you should be on this site? Maybe there is a car waiting for you? I hope you get home OK. God Bless.

  17. I have just found out the point of Chris Paul:

    "The unbearable lightness of being."

    A troubled soul. We should all be concerned for him.

  18. Well, Iain, no-one can reasonably expect you to be up to speed with every single charge of bribery, graft, corruption and backhanders levelled at Conservative peers, MPs and councillors.

  19. Indeed Neil, not when it takes so much effort just to keep up with grafting of Labour and the Lib-Dems!

  20. "I wish I'd followed the Conrad Black trial a little more closely"

    Just as long as you don't follow the Conrad Black TRAIL too closely Iain. We wouldn't like to lose you in an Archole/Aitkin fashion!

  21. Maggie T was a great fan of his, was she not? And of Archer. And Shirley Porter. Such judgement on people. Mind you she drew the line on Split Beaverkin zhagging her daughter while he was putting it about with the wives of milionaire Arab Arms dealers.

  22. I'm sure you could use this approach, recently adopted by a Mr G Brown of London:

    a. Pretend you've only just got here.
    b. Talk about the post-Black period only, without naming him.
    c. Talk incessantly about the need for change now, without denigrating anything that Black did.
    d. Emphasise the post-Black way of doing things, despite having supported everything that Black did.
    e. Describe how great things will be in 10-40 years' time, omit how ghastly they're going to be in the intervening period.
    f. Er
    g. That's it

  23. If only we had that kind of sentencing

    Levy 30 years
    Blair 100 years and execution
    Turner 30 years

  24. Oyston? You mean he who used to be an estate agent in the Blackpool area in the late 60's?

    Would have thought he was in a Zimmer frame now - or about to try his last 'sell' at the Pearly Gates.

  25. Dear Sky News,

    Thanks for the opportunity to talk for 10 minutes on a subject I know very little about!

    Please make the cheque out to CASH and have my car waiting outside with the engine running...

    Ian Dale.

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. Sometimes stupid people are entertaining, in a cruel kind of way, but not when they come in packs. All that yapping gets on the nerves.

    Dave Hill - Don't tell me "That's all you need to know." I'll make that decision. But what I do know - and it took no effort on my part to figure it out - is you're a snide lefty. Yet another one choosing to infest this blog, like fleas that have laid eggs in the upholstery. Before you come back with one of your unsnappy one-liners, we don't have fleas where I live so the ironic comment that is forming dully in your "mind" won't work.

    Diabolo, Lord Black "ran a newspaper that supported the Labour Party." The Torygraph supports Labour? Are you mad? The Speccie is a Labour mag? Have you had your rabies shots?

    There is nothing so vicious as lefties in a position of power. I hope Lord Black prevails. I think he will.

    It is time to stop tolerating the vicious, snide, destructive, hissing left.

  28. Conrad Black was acquiitted of 9 of the 13 charges against him, and I strongly suspect that he will be found not guilty of the other 4 on appeal. It is noticable that the newspapers denouncing him go into long detail about his lifestyle and his wife's spending habits and not on the substance of the charges against him which look pretty shaky.

  29. Verity - if you read diablo's post a little more closely, you will realise he is referring to Robert Maxwell when he says "he ran a newspaper too that supported the Labour party". I must admit I didn't get it either until I read the next sentence about ripping off the company's pensioners.

  30. ross f said " not on the substance of the charges against him which look pretty shaky."

    yeah right.

    The main witness against him was his former No2 who has agreed to refund about $25M and go to jail...

    Never mind the evidence... just post carp:-)

  31. I too think Lord Black will be acquitted on appeal. And how devastating for all those who viciously trash Barbara Amiel for her lavish spending habits, that she is sticking by him. (For 'lavish spending', read 'being Jewish.) Perhaps she loves him? She is also a talented writer whose column in The Telegraph I used to look forward to.

    Diablo's post still doesn't make sense, btw.

  32. 'The main witness against him was his former No2 who has agreed to refund about $25M and go to jail...'

    When someone is given two options:

    1. Fight a prosecution that is charging you with everything from racketeering to tax evasion and risk losing and spending the rest of your lif behind bars.


    2. Accept a plea bargain pay a fine and spend a few months in jail and testify against other defendants.

    It is extremely tempting to accept the second option regardless of guilt or innocence.

  33. Ross F writes: "It is extremely tempting to accept the second option regardless of guilt or innocence."

    Agreed, and is why so many of us here were hoping that Levy would testify against Blair.

    The people who worked with Black respected him and for a newspaper proprietor, he was very undictatorial. He let the editors have a free hand, as indeed, they should have, but many proprietors are unable to resist the droit de seigneur to control the remote.

    I think - pray! - he will win on appeal. Either way, his wife will stand by him.

  34. Thanks to those of you that did get the point of my original post about Black, Maxwell and Brown. I accept it was not well crafted and was confusing.

    I did, in fact, post a lengthy piece trying to explain this but for some reason best known to Blogger it disappeared into the ether. It had a small but (possibly interesting) vignette about Maxwell. I will try to put it on my blog in the next day or so for the sake of posterity!
