Friday, July 13, 2007

Labour Blogger Wants to be MP

Alex Hilton, who runs Recess Monkey and LabourHome has written an article on why he wants to be the next MP for Liverpool West Derby HERE. I shan't praise him at it would ruin any chances he has, but I have heard he may have some stiff opposition in the form of the former MP for Enfield, Stephen Twigg. Twiggy has as tenuous links with Liverpool as Alex, but he has been seen at various Party functions in the area pressing the flesh. It should be an interesting contest.


  1. Ah bless, knew AH years ago when he lived nearby, he was a twit then and he hasn't grown up since.

  2. Looking at the last bit of his polemic, I rather doubt socialism even believes in him...

    He writes Recess Monkey which hardly suggests he has anywhere near the maturity to be an far as Labourites go Twigg is relatively competent, I can think of worse people for them to install in their safe seats.

  3. There's quite a field interested in this seat in addition to Twigg and Hilton, including historian Tristram Hunt and Blur drummer and former Westminster council candidate Dave Rowntree. And don't write off Bob Wareing, who survived unexpectedly during the last Parliament.

  4. I would have thought he was precisely the sort of bourgeois sycophant that New labour adore.

    I predict great things for the creep. Never worked ? Gooood perfect

  5. It would be quite fun, though, to have Alex in the Commons, given his unusual line in personal invective. I wonder whether Gorbals Mick would rule it out of order if he were to describe a Tory MP as a "treacherous dangleberry?"

  6. Alex is an immature nasty little bastard... He'd fit right in as a Lbour MP.

  7. Twiggy wasn't bad as Labour MPs go. Didn't believe in socialism or equality or anything horrid like that and was quite well liked in Enfield Southgate.

    I seem to remember he danced at the other end of the ballroom. Not sure how that would go down in Liverpool.

  8. He was the old candidate for my city (Canterbury) at the last election.

  9. Just what we need here in Liverpool. More Blairite scum to replace the Socialist Komrades working tirelessly on behalf of the oppressed.

  10. It just ain't going to happen Iain. Alex will not make the top six. It would take a full court press to get Twigg in the six too.

    Has Bob Wareing even given up the struggle to keep the seat he has had since 1885 when it was first created?

  11. Next thing we'll be hearing of sarky, narky, accident prone Tory bloggers pitching up at selection meetings for safe Tory seats ...

  12. Sorry Iain. Still not got round to changing my password from 1234.

  13. Hang on! The man who "scooped" Margaret Thatcher's "death" now wants to be a MP?!

    You couldn't make this stuff up- Priceless.

  14. Now that Peter Garrett's banned from The List, he should have a chance

  15. Now that Peter Garrett's banned from The List, he should have a chance

  16. Maybe Cherie is in the running for a safe seat is this is another little trick to keep the blairs in power hilary and bill clinton style perhaps .

  17. "Alex is an immature nasty little bastard... He'd fit right in as a Lbour MP." took the words right out of my mouth.

  18. I've done my back in. It must have happened when I turned the matress over. Anyway, what's happening on the street?

  19. "Alex is an immature nasty little bastard... He'd fit right in as a Lbour MP."

    I can only agree, and I am a member.

  20. Wherever Ales Hilton goes CF will follow. A disgusting drip of political smeg. Word verification - hypocritical drongo

  21. This is the talentless little man who posted on his sillly little blog that Lady Thatcher had passed on. Stand Alex! Lets all have a vehicle to express what we all think of you

  22. Tell Twiggy to hang the union flag up the right way this time! In 1997, when he spoke at an event organised by the 'Young Socialists' at Essex University, they hung the flag upside down (a sign of distress I believe), much to my amusement!

  23. A red cross on a white ground is the kind of flag that won't get flown the wrong way up in Essex. Or across the rest of England either.

  24. This seat is probably sufficiently safe for Alex to get in. I thought his schtick was a bit of Recess Monkey fun, but it appears that his vacuous platitudes form his political ideology. Incredible.

  25. I'm sure that his premature celebration of Mrs T's death went down very well in Liverpool.

  26. I thought Twigg was a nice bloke actually, surpisingly unpartisan. Though I think he's had a little trouble in the papers since since leaving Parliament...

  27. "you took the words right out of my mouth"

    and what has young Mr Twigg taken from your mouth Mr wrinkly weasel?

  28. Twigg has already been promised this seat by the Labour heirarchy and indeed has turned down the opportunity to be parachuted into Walthamstow, a safe Labour seat, on the grounds that it is Liverpool Derby West that he wants. Hilton had better start looking elsewhere methinks.

  29. "Twigg has already been promised this seat by the Labour heirarchy and indeed has turned down the opportunity to be parachuted into Walthamstow, a safe Labour seat"

    Walthamstow CLP would have not accepted Twigg as a parachutee. He would have had to fight to get it, Walthamstow still has a left wing base in the CLP and they would have put up a strong contender to try and oppose Twiggy.

  30. And what about Bob Wareing? A good MP and a good person. It's tasteless to say the least, while Bob is the duly elected MP. I hope Bob sees them off - the nastiness of the briefings now emerging, including comments on my blog at ,show that none of this is a foregone conclusion.
