Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Boris Teases for London

Boris Johnson has just released a statement...
Being Mayor of London would be a fantastic job and anyone who loves London would want to consider the possibility very carefully. I want to stress that this idea did not come from David Cameron or from anyone in his office but I have, of course, been very struck by the number of people who have been urging me to run. In my case, there are huge obstacles – above all my commitment and responsibility to my constituency. It is hard to see how those difficulties could be overcome - but I am ruling nothing out.

So that's a yes, then.


  1. Boffer probably thinks it is the one that comes with the robes, the tights, the tricorn hat, and the big parade. Turn again Dick Wiity Ham!

  2. "I want to stress that this idea did not come from David Cameron or from anyone in his office"

    So he floated it himself?

    He'll run.

  3. hopefully he'll run.

    he's a joke and he'd lose.

  4. "huge obstacles" such as his strong desire not to write off an already rather shaky political career before his fiftieth birthday...

  5. I can see it....

    lend me your ears...

    c'mon Boris man

  6. actually, that should read

    lend me your ears....

    blame it on the comp....

  7. Hmm.. the fly in the ointment here is that Boris stood down from the Tory front-bench, because he didn't think he could do justice to the Spectator job. So are his political ambitions going to be frustrated by his need to keep himself in the manner to which he has become accustomed ??

  8. But don't most of Boris Johnson's supporters / fanbase live outside central London ?

  9. This whole mayor process has been a bit of a rough ride.

    That said we've currently got a "Personality" (which the electorate respond to) with Ken, so if we're looking for someone to combat that then maybe Boris is our man?

    The alternative is to find a celebrity who has no professional experience of politics.

  10. Can't forbear any longer: on 4 April, on this very blog, I commented:

    The role for Boris to prove himself is Mayor of London

    The Conservative Party cannot keep dodging this issue: if it is seriously on the offensive it must prove it by dislodging Livingstone

    Fearlessly shaking sticks at busted-flush Blair and McBrown is not proof of anything about the fitness to govern of the Conservative Party

    No stomach for the fight? Then vacate the battlefield (or nominate Newmania)

    So it takes 3 months ..? but we get there in the end

  11. The problem is that while Londoners see Livingstone as a bit of a card, they see Boris as a bit of a buffoon. I'd give it a rest till Livingstone kicks the bucket.

  12. Save us from this clown. Where is Steve Norris? only he can save us now.

  13. Lets not forget that Boris is very clever chap, and well able to master job of being mayor
    It's not Boris who's the buffoon, it's Cameron for not using him properly. Go Boris!

  14. The mayor of London is a dead-end job. Boris wants to be PM. He is too smart to get bogged down in London.

  15. The statement of a skilful politician and one which has completely beguiled our Iain. Fisk it a bit more carefully, mate. It's a NO.

    He'd be completely out of place and put his political career up the spout, and he knows it.

  16. Unfortunately, I really can't see Boris taking it on (oh hell, if I'm wrong it'll be red faces in East London!).

    He'd bring joy and common sense to the role.

    And it's not just Central Londoners wot 'ave the vote for Mayor, guv, honest, they even dun give it to us aht in ve sticks wiv Essex postcodes.

  17. If he runs it'll be the best news all year.

  18. I believe Mr Johnson lives in Islington. A Mr David Herskovic, solicitor, of Leabourne Road N16, has registered

  19. I know Johnson is popular in the media and amongst Tory voters but just how popular is he amongst everyone else?

  20. I am not sure if this shows Cameron contempt for the office of the Mayor, or of London and we Londoners. It’s probably both.

    I hope to have long departed these shores by the time the election comes, but I’d vote for him!

  21. T W Herewward - actually - I like the second idea. I am just about to register!

    Can we have Verity as his deputy?

  22. Rumours that I intend to run for mayor are in inverted pyramid of trifle! Instead, I intend to run around the block to the local bakery for a large pie!

  23. I have just noticed a typo in my last post for which I wish to apologise unreservedly to the residents of Iain Dale's blog, and hope that upon my next visit, I will get it right.

    Now, where's that pie!

  24. adrian yalland - no, verity will have to act as 'newmania's 'Hugo Chavez' by inviting newmania over to Latin America for discussions at the tax payers expense, cutting deals on the supply of oil, jelly, and discussing ugandan transport arrangements, just so verity can be invited to reciprocal meetings in London to collect some dodgy designer goods at the taxpayers' expense...

  25. Wouldn't it be such fun?!

  26. Anon - Oh I see, is that how it works. I tought is was all about serving the public.

    Silly me!

  27. Anonymous 8:26 - I wouldn't go to London on a bet,thanks.


    Sorry Verity will not be coming back to London .Hatfield Girl( see her tremendous blog) is staying in Italy now. Tapestry I notice is no longer here and there are many more ..... I fear for the gene pool and I seriously wonder what we are doing to this country that such people should leave.

  29. Thanks, Newmania, but don't forget Istanbul Tory in ... errr .... in ... errr ... it's on the tip of my tongue ... and Prague Tory in Prague. Manfarang's in China. Nomad's decided to settle in Malaysia. Tuscan Tony, of course,is in Italy. Tim Worstall is in Portugal.

  30. Henley-a nice seat for all on the A list

  31. There seem to be quite a few people here with whom I agree when they say Boris would be a great candidate. I've started a group on face book and I'll try and pull together all the news as it comes in. Anyone can join it here:

  32. There is Hatfield Girl of Angels in Marble, and there is the Girl who still lives in Hatfield rather than Italy.

    In our diferent ways we are blogging from the same page.

    Angels in Marble Hatfield Girl
