Sunday, June 24, 2007

A Stormer of a Speech from Gordon Brown

Listening the Gordon Brown's speech I have to say that there was, well, something prime-ministerial about it. Much as I don't like to admit it, I wonder if he genuinely is acquiring that 'presence' that comes with the position. This afternoon he looked different. He looked smart. He sounded eloquent. At times he sounded inspirational. A lot of it was the same sort of generalistic mumbo-jumbo we have come to expect, but at times he raised his game. Now is not the time to judge Gordon Brown - we can do that in a few months time. But if the Conservatives didn't know they had a fight on before, they certainly do today - Harriet Harman, or no Harriet Harman.


  1. I'm watching it now - all I can say is let the game begin. This is where the fun starts. All the echo chamber attacks on Brown now need to be put to his face. I don't think Cameron and his wets will like the answer. His adoption of pinko-liberal tosh is going to be battered by Brown who can mix it with serious policies as well. He may well be a one eyed nappy wearing rocking horse riding beast as claimed. How embarrasing it will be to lose to it.

  2. It will be fun watching Cameron being taken apart by Brown.
    But I think public opinion is already ahead of that.
    Over the last two or three months Cameron has been sussed.

  3. Have the Labour and Conservative parties now swapped places? Are we going to see Cameron attack Brown from the left?

  4. Ed I think we will. But the fact is, Brown is safe on the left. Labour heartlands would not vote tory if they offered to quadrouple DSS because they know that the Tories would have some cunning plan for robbing it off them at some point. Brown has been clever to tie down the left with social housing pledges, new focus on NHS etc - leaves him to push ahead with city acadamies, streaming by subject in schools and **probably** some tax cuts. Tories are well and truely in a mix.

  5. I listened to the words but I just couldn't believe them. Where has he been for the last 10 years? Why didn't he say these things at Cabinet Meetings?
    I'm afraid it's the same old spin, dressed up for a gullible public (and media).

  6. I couldn't help but notice a the complete absence of a scottish accent. Running scared.

  7. I only heard the bits on the news. Enough to make me bored of him already.

  8. I detest Gordon Brown, but I must say that he has what David Cameron hasn't got.


    Cameron always seems to be taking the piss. At least Brown looks like he's being serious.
