Sunday, June 24, 2007

I Spoke too Soon

Gordon has just blown it. Ignore the post below. He has announced that Harriet Harman will be the Chairman of the Labour Party, and even better, that Douglas Alexander will be the General Election cooordinator. Let's hope he can do in the whole country what he did for Scotland.


  1. You just can't read Labour, can you?

    He's planted Harriet somewhere harmless where she can do very little damage, and put Douglas Alexander on the case of doing the grind. But make no mistake, GB will be running the election campaign.

  2. Putting members in charge of party policy with one member one vote is a godsend for us.

  3. yeah, imagine where we'd be if tory party members made policy. no gay rights, no minimum wage, out of the EU...

  4. come the first "event" and we will see gordos true mettle,will he do a scooby doo or the rabbit in the headlights thing.I reckon he will go to pieces so fast people will be killed by the shrapnel.

  5. Mrs Dromey has to consider Cash for Peerages and her husband's role with in the Labour Party - best to keep her busy doing Hazel Blears job

  6. douglas alexander was in charge of the nuts and blots of labour's 2001 election campaign.

    iain - remind me of the result?

    he only came into the scottish campaign late on and did a pretty brilliant job of turning things around.

  7. C'mon Iain share you thoughts on Portillo wiv us

  8. Harman won the deputy election so surely making her party chairperson is a good move? She's obviously in tune with the grassroots.

    As for anony@4.03 I seem to remember that Labour were the anti-EU party for a very long time. Perhaps Old Labour had it right after all!

  9. I wonder if Party Chair will be Harman's only role....

  10. I wonder how many of Broon's first cabinet will consist of people previously fired for incompetence. Harperson for sure, Nick Brown is likely to make a comeback as might Beverly Hughes. Any others?

  11. Broonites are going to have to become experts at making virtue out of necessity. The soporific and clumsy Broon will soon prove a revelation of charmless cack handedness. Sit back and watch a man with loser written and embedded in his dna do what comes naturally. All the king's horses and all the king's men can't spin this one!

  12. Insiders now say that Jack Straw will be Deputy Prime Minister and Harman will just be Deputy Leader.

  13. Iain, you're sounding increasingly desperate!

    Surely making deputy leader HH party chairperson is a straightforward and sensible thing to do?

  14. ha ha ha

    You prayed for a Harriet deputy leadership and now GB has put her in her box you are grasping at straws.

    What are you going to do in the next six years of Labour government?

  15. A quick recap for the slow (Iain). The position of party chair was only created by Tony Blair in 2001 and it caused resentment amongst the rank and file because they saw the position as detracting from the elected Deputy Leader. It was a smart (although fairly obvious) move by Brown to repair that bit of damage while also giving Harman a job that suits her limited political talents. While she is utterly useless as a minister she is pretty good at attacking the tories.

  16. Harriet "Miss Strict" Harman has announced that she will represent the interests of women. How very patronising. How dare she build a career on the asumption that women are so pathetic that they need special help. The country is already groaning under the weight of self-appointed saviours of groups who they have decided are in need of help. No doubt there are some women with no principles who will prepared to accept whatever's on offer from Ms Harman - its usually money - but I would hope that most women will say "Fuck off, I can look after myself thank you". I hope there's some Sex Discrimination Law that she can be charged with breaching by singling out women for special treatment.

  17. "Douglas Alexander was in charge of the nuts and blots of Labour's 2001 election campaign."

    A campaign even John McTernan would have found difficult to lose with Michael Foot as leader.

    "He only came into the Scottish campaign late on and did a pretty brilliant job of turning things around."

    Losing control of Scotland after five decades of unchallenged power = "pretty brilliant"? Dearie, dearie, dearie me. Believing the Dougie hype already.

    Or are you Dougie?
