Saturday, June 23, 2007

Fantasy Politics Day on Iain Dale's Diary

Today is Fantasy Politics Day on Iain Dale's Diary. Over the course of the day you'll be getting the following

Gordon Brown's Cabinet of All the Talents
My predicted Gordon Brown Cabinet
My predicted David Cameron Shadow Cabinet
My predicted Ming Campbell Line-up

And finally, If I were David Cameron...

So do check back regularly. There should be plenty to chew on. In the meantime, Michael White did something similar yesterday HERE. My predictions will not be quite so outlandish as his, though!


  1. What about "If only I were David Davis?"

  2. Gordon's obviously got no antenna which makes him a very bad judge of character.

  3. Hmmm. I'm all for a laugh and I'm wary of Tory Euro-obsessiveness BUT, on the day that Blair has just signed over another chunk of our powers to the EU and Brown has flatly declared that he'll break the promise to give us a referendum, it might just be worth a post...

  4. I think Michael White's beaten you to it! much as I dislike White this is brilliant and very funny. But really it's been pretty much Fantasy Politics Day the whole week, let's hope things continue like that.

  5. Anonymous, have apteince, and ye shall be rewarded. I am trying to get to the bottom of what exactly has happened as various accounts seem to conflict...

  6. If you were David Cameron, David Davis would be leader of the opposition...

  7. Michael Crick beat both you and White to the idea some weeks ago on the Newsnight website, but I don't think he made as much of the idea. The funky 'Flash' graphics for submitting ideas were great, but did rather hamper the true creativity shown by Michael White.

  8. Fantasy Politics?

    Iain Dale as PM surely?!!!!

    As long as he stopped wearing those ties.....

  9. Iain

    EU Referendum has a very clear account of what has happened. We all knew we would be told apack of lies, we have been and we want a referendeum on the entire EU sham.

    It is Camerons chance to expose the lies told by Brown and Blair on this issue and scupper the entire Brown project from the start.

    He should promise the UK public a vote on our continued membership of this vile, undemocratic and illegal project. If he does he will win the next election by a landslide, the public are sick to death of being lied to by our weasle politicians and we want a change.

  10. I would bring the following into my cabinet of all the talents:

    Culture, Media and Sport: Jade Goody
    Norn Iron: The Pope
    Foreign: Salman Rusdie
    Trade and Industry: Ronald McDonald
    Health: Bernard Manning
