Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Another Day Another Poll

Just before I go to bed I leave you with the welcome news that the LibDems are down to 12% in the latest YouGov poll. The Tories remain on 37% while Labour has gained at the expense of the LibDems to reach 36%.


  1. I love falling Lib Dem poll ratings, just love 'em

  2. BBC
    Iran petrol rationing with 2 hours notice provokes "riots".

    Jimmy Carter, all is forgiven....

  3. I say long live the LibDems. While there's a party, we know where they are. Otherwise there would be even more of them skulking in the two main parties under false pretences.

  4. Don't get carried away again, lads.

    It's just another poll. The LibDems were out of the news while it was being taken and Brown was on the box a lot. Wait for the boost that Quentin Davies will give Brown - and then piss yourself laughing! What a tosser!

  5. Its very clear to see which part of the Liberal vote is the softest. Which is bad news however this may be better.

    It seems to me that the BBC have suddenly gone off McStalin big time. If they have and it continues things could be about to get really interesting.

    I would very much like to know if any others have noticed this or have I finally become mentally unstable?

    That is not an invitation to comment on my metal capacity or stability.

  6. Taxi for the limp dumbs!

  7. Go back to your constituencies - and prepare for retirement!

  8. So that's a Labour government with a majority of 28 according to ElectoralCalculus.

    You must be proud Iain (don't tell me you have to discount the bits that are bad for the *Tories* until Autumn blah blah)

  9. The Polls will get another boost today when Blair applies for membership of the Chiltern Hundreds.
    The Sovereign will then confer the Earldom of Sedgefield on the Rt Hon Anthony Blair and a forthcoming OM. At the same time it will be announced that he will become Sole Pro Consul of the Middle East.
    These Honours are for a unique contribution in the fields of Lying,Cheating and Deluding the People.
    The Sovereign will express her gratitude that he has enabled 5.8 Million people to be fully Welfare dependent and subjugated to the State.That he has nearly but not quite Taxed the others to their knees and bound them in so much Regulation that they are whimpering weaklings.
    For the rest they are hog tied with Trillions of Debt that the breaking point is nigh.
    So ends the "Blair Political Era of Grand Delusion"
    May the people save our Consul Earl Anthony Blair and ensure that his meddling of all he surveys will remain for eternity --even the Polls.

  10. Nothing to do with the poll - today's hymn is "Now thank we all our God".

  11. Iain

    Enjoy whilst you can.Cameron appears like another Blair and his support will reduce as Brown starts to move things. What this country likes is a strong leader with a clear conservative outlook. Brown will fit that bill more that Cameron, just you watch and see. I have never been wrong at the outcome of every general election. and regertably I will be right about this.

  12. An Earldom is just one up from Lady Thatcher and Tone won't have that. He will tell the Sovereign that he will take no less than a Dukedom- like Wellington. If she does not concede he will announce that Gordon has , well certain improvements to consider in his Reform of the Constitution White Paper.
    Just imagine The Duke of UK- sorry not UUUCCK OR PUKE but the United Kingdom-Sedgefield is too Socialist rather than Aristocratic.

  13. No Sydney. In ascending order it is Baron(ess), Viscount, Earl, Marquis and Duke.

  14. So after 10 years of labour sleaze bags, Cameron still can't walk it.

    No wonder you prefer to poke fun at the Lib Dems, it just takes the mind away from the fact that Cameroon is a buffoon.

  15. So at 10:23 am you say:
    I'm not going to comment on every single poll that is released, but I though it worth mentioning this one as it proved my point!

    And ten hours later ... you're commenting on every poll. But 12%. Hey hey.

    Next you'll be standing by your promise to stamp out gratuitous abuse and swearing and stopping your sock poodles calling me "cunt" in comments.

    No, actually you will not. You say one thing and do another all the time. Like a good nu tory should.

  16. Whilst I tend to agree that ,probably through the next month or two, polls will fluctuate a bit. LD's are down to minicab levels here.

    Also SNP are likely to get quite a few seats from Labour in Scotland.

    So an early election might mean seeking "partnerships" with SNP and/or the DUP.

    007 may yet get his honour!!

  17. It seems that we have picked up Lib Dem support, but the Lib Dems were appearing to stand still be grabbing Labour support. Now the Clunking Fist is back they are returning to the fold leaving the Lib Dems all alone.

  18. Sorry Iain, it was 14 hours, not ten. Many apologies. Good job.

  19. "Next you'll be standing by your promise to stamp out gratuitous abuse and swearing and stopping your sock poodles calling me "cunt" in comments."

    I agree. I hate people imitating and mimicking me.

    It's just not cricket, is it?

    These people should get a life (actually, come to think of it, so should I)

    Whatever. This is yet ANOTHER polling disaster for Brown.

    He's finished... Mark my words.

  20. Gary Powell is right. Apart from generating a higher than usual level of errors and omissions and misjudgements the BBC have gone negative on Brown.

  21. Did anyone see that rancid little train-spotter who Brown has as press officer on Newsnight.

    He has a in biscuit in his packed lunch his mummy gave him.

  22. "He has a in biscuit in his packed lunch his mummy gave him."

    What's wrong with that?

  23. If well into a third term, the main opposition party has a measly 1% lead, that is pathetic. Going back to your previous thread, loved your comment, 'Davies has joined the Labour Party even though he doesn't have a socialist bone in his body': he won't be lonely then!

  24. 12 is better than I hoped for. The Lib Dem poll ratings are a bit like the 100m world record - how low can it REALLY go.

    What is 12%? Ming, his mates, Lib Dem party workers and people who vote for them for a laugh(you know, in the way you would always elect a House Rep by voting for the biggest idiot available?!).

  25. Peter Smith said...
    "The Polls will get another boost today when Blair applies for membership of the Chiltern Hundreds"

    I live in the Chilterns. Blair has spent enough time here (at Chequers), living it up and being waited on by Wraf girls.

    Its time for Blair to leave the Chilterns alone. Its time for the good people Northstead to be associated with the world's great con-man.

    He should instead apply for the post of Crown Steward and Bailiff of the Manor of Northstead.

    As a serious aside why resign as MP. Not just the £100k/year. There's always the chance that Broown getting hit by the proverbial bus/donkey from Kabul/badly bungled ingrowing toe nail op.
    He could then come back and rescue us all.
    But then he never was any good at weighing risk/probabilities.

  26. At 12% that gives the LD's just 3 seats. Better make Charlie Kennedy the leader just to be safe.

  27. "Why resign as an MP?"

    Because private citizens don't have to register their outside interests.

  28. 1% opposition lead halfway through a third term? Hopeless.

  29. Well it's good news for all us LibbyDem despisers! Rather interesting is a piece in this week's 'Private Eye' regarding a 'senior' LibbyDem activist, his computer photo tastes, and the police. I bet there are several worried LibbyDem activists who were on his e-mail adress book!

  30. I agree with those who say that the real significance of a Tory defecting to Labour is that it seems more obvious to him than going over to the Lib Dems.

    Go back to your constituencies and prepare to be Gordoed.

  31. The Libs would be trounced in Scotland on these figures. They'd only get 3 to 5 seats.

    It would be back to pre-Alliance days and all because they missed the opportunity after Dunfermline to consolidate their second place by going into opposition.

    Instead they stuck with Labour and got punished for it.

    They really have to take a long hard look at themselves and how their love-in with Labour has been their ultimate undoing.
