Tuesday, May 15, 2007

This Headline Has No Double Entendre

"I Won't Get the Kleenex Out About Patricia"

This was Alan Johnson on Patricia Hewitt's decision not to support him. At least, that's what I think he meant. Gulp...

UPDATE: Tom Watson has a highly entertaining count of the nomination process for Labour's deputy leadership HERE. Ben Brogan reports on Alan Johnson;s sense of humour and his campaign launch HERE.


  1. presume he means he won't wipe up the shower of shite that is the junior doctors selection website?


  2. what else could he mean Iain?

  3. At least with Johnson the branded goods he quoted was tissue-paper rather than Australian Sellotape!

    Unlike his predeccessor and the not-lamented Home Secretary.

  4. Iain really! The Tombstoners will have no idea what you're talking about, poor lambs.

  5. -Ed Balls is supporting Hilary Benn- More Fool him!
    -Yvette Cooper is supporting Harriet Harman- They'll be some domesctics going on there no doubt
    -Stephen Pound and Hazel Blears- What comedy duo!
    -Bob Marshall-Andrews has chosen Peter Hain- I always new Hain was still a communist

  6. Who cares who's supporting who?
    They're all a shower of shite, every last one of them.

    And as for the sham "contest" cooked up behind closed doors by Brown, Meacher, and McDonnell, that seems to be falling a bit flat.

    Even though Gordo wants a sham contest to combat claims of a coronation there are so many Labour MP's terrified of him that they can't muster 45 to nominate fake leftie McDonnell.

    So, a coronation it is then.

  7. Good Spot !!

    I think not being supported by Hypocritical Hewitt is a positive advantage. Now off to check the betting prices methinks...

  8. I think it is a good call by Johnson, whatever he meant by it.

  9. "I think he meant. Gulp..."

    Sounds like an instruction from John Prescott to the civil servants!

  10. What a disgraceful post Iain. I like to think I have a reasonably well developed sense of the ridiculous and am not very PC, but I'm afraid I just didn't get the joke.

  11. Having been to see Rick Mayall in 'The New Statesman' last night, I can't see it as anything other than a double entendre. Plenty of Kleenex in evidence there! (Mind you, Mayall had a stinking cold which didn't help.)

  12. Kleenex is no good, falls apart too easily. He should use an old sock like I do.

    ps it's even better when sitting astride a rocking horse!!

  13. I remenmber patricia when she was mrs Gibson-Watt, never fancied her though.

    gordon from fife, you are a very sad man.
