Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Politics of Oil & the British Council

Neil Kinnock is the chairman of the British Council. I have no idea how much he is paid to hold that position, but he may like to check THIS out. It shows how British taxpayer's money is being used to 'educate' the son of the man tipped to be Colonel Gadaffi's successor. It also highlights the spin used by the British Council in an attempt to hide this information.


  1. Very interesting link, Iain

    Having read it, I pedantically suggest you need to make a slight correction to your own intro - it's the "son of one of .. the right-hand men of [name given], the possible future leader of Libya"

    not 'son of the man tipped...'

    (for all the difference it makes)

  2. Iain,

    What would you think that Baron Death to the House of Lords, EuroSnout Weaselly Welsh Windbag of Kinnockio should do?

  3. He is on £250k a year
    plus his EU pension
    plus His parliamentary pension
    Plus his wifes income , the twat must be pulling in close to a million a year.
    I despair

  4. He's not paid anything, Iain. not a penny, to be chairman of the British Council. I think you should make that quite clear on your front page.

  5. Don't you mean he is the chair- man, i.e. he puts out the chairs for meetings? Makes more sense.

  6. Are you responding to Melissa Kite's rather bitchy reply to your fisking Iain?


  7. Isn't this actually a good idea?

    -Educating elites around the world in English, with British Money as a "bung"?

    Didn't Cecil Rhodes create his scholarships so that
    "understanding between the three great powers will render war impossible" ?

    Admittedly it didn't make Clinton very pro-British. And a good English education seems to have been totally lost on Mugabe.

    But on the whole educating worldwide elites in English I would say tends to make them more minded to believe in liberal democracy.

    Hasn't the EU given up on centralising powers now the new lingua franca is English?

  8. Neil Kinnock, trying to hide the truth, how very typical of the man.
    Wasn't he head honcho (European Commissioner for Administrative Reform) at the European Commission who blew out a whistle blowing accountant who was trying to expose the expense fiddling and non existent financial controls.

    A big snout in the trough.

  9. As I understand it, he's paid nowt for bossing up the British Council, but he rakes it in from elsewhere.

  10. According to Hansard 3 Feb 2004 the role of chairing The British Council was remunerated until the
    current Chairman Neil Kinnock took over from 31 July 2004. His Labour predecessor as Council Chairperson Baroness Helena Kennedy was paid £35,000 a year prior to that date.

    The current Chair gets his travel and accommodation expenses paid. Neil Kinnock's son Stephen also works for British Council and he was the Brussels point-man of the Council's Development and Training Services division (the commercial wing) when Kinnock senior was a member of the European Commission.

    BC's Stephen Kinnock is married to 'Gucci Hella' - the leader of the Danish social democrats - so may also be 'the right-hand man of the possible future leader of Denmark' ...... or not ......!

    The Council's Parliamentary Liaison officer who can tell Labour MPs more about this is
    a Ms Hannah McConnell who is no relation at all to the future leader of Scotland ........
