Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Gordon Brown and Celebrity

I am making a short video film on Gordon Brown's 'eschewing' of the culture of celebrity. I need your help. If you have any emailable photos of Gordon Brown hobnobbing with celebrities I'd love to hear from you.Or even better, video.


  1. Ha!

    Can't wait for Gordon Brown to get buusted on this one.

    The reason Gordon Brown is talking down 'celebrity' is because he knows he lacks 'star quality' and 'charisma'. These qualities can make or break a politician - and his non-personality is a huge liability.

    I shared the same top 'celebrity' hairdresser, (a Scot) as Brown for many years - and trust me this stylist ain't cheap! The stylists excursions to Downing Street sounded so boring!!

  2. Help! I can't see the blog for the advertising...

  3. > Help! I can't see the blog for the advertising...

    Use Firefox browser and the Adblock plugin - works a treat

    oh, you were just being funny.....

  4. Iain your film would be even shorter if it was on Gordon Brown and Personalty.

  5. Iain,

    I've had a trawl on the net and I've found Gordo chinwagging with Shakira, Kevin Spacey and Jerry Hall. Let me know if you want me to email them to you.

    I think you should also make one of him exploiting kids for photo ops.

  6. His lips were all over Kate Thornton's face when he presented an award on ITV1's Greatest Britons 2007 on Monday night.

  7. As much as I love you blowing your own trumpet Iain, and let's face it you do it a hell of a lot, I do prefer it when you write about politics and politicians. Let other's blow your trumpet.

  8. He's just made a film with The Queen!

  9. Never mind hobbnobbing with the glitewati, Mr Bwown is a plain sort (an insider tells me), preferwing a jog in the woods and the occasional Ginger Beer ...with a healthy 20 pwess ups before devotions and bweakfast (sausage, egg, mushwooms or powwidge)

  10. Gordon Brown is a bit of a boring name. Maybe he should follow that Irish politician's lead, the one who changed is name to Dublin to drum up support.

    How about Golden Brown?

  11. more like rusty

  12. perhaps no celebs want to be seen with him it would ruin their cred.
    he would nick their pensions too

  13. "Gordon Brown is a bit of a boring name. Maybe he should follow that Irish politician's lead, the one who changed is name to Dublin to drum up support."

    Sure it wasn't to promote his market value as a footballer?

    Gordon Glasgow sounds a more suitable sort of name for a celeb!

  14. Viola!

    All the more amusing when you consider this.

    But less amusing when you see how Gordon and Labour don't mind throwing away jobs and investment if a celeb doesn't support their scientology, sorry, ideology.
