Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Don't Complain...

For obvious reasons I have been looking at some Irish blogs this morning and came across THIS wonderful blog post on a blog called Twenty Major. I can even forgive him the use of the C-Word. He reflects a bemusement in the Irish blogosphere about how the Irish people could actually re-elect Ahern's government...

So it looks like Bertie’s back for a third term. Brilliant, just f*****g brilliant. Let me just say that if you voted for him and his shower of crooks then you may not open your mouth for the next five years. Seriously.

Don’t complain when violent crime increases and more innocent people get killed in the crossfire. Don’t complain when the culture of passing the buck and not taking any responsibility for your actions results in you or a friend or a loved one being stabbed in the neck in Temple Bar for no reason at all. Don’t complain when more jobs are lost as the Celtic Tiger becomes the Celtic Ancient Old Lion that’s Been In the Zoo For Years. Don’t complain when the fucking shambles of a health service we have lets you down, leaves you waiting, misdiagnoses you and costs you a fortune paying for consultants and administrators. That’s if you get the chance before you die in a corridor. Don’t complain when they sell off our national resources to greedy multinationals. Don’t complain when more Garda corruption is uncovered and travesties of justice occur. Don’t complain about the leader of the country, whose shifty, half-arsed explanations about his finances don’t fool anyone with half a f*****g brain. Don’t complain about the state of transport in this country, both public and private. Don’t complain when you’re stuck on the M50 for hours or trying to commute to work every day from your home 50 or 60 or 70 miles away meaning you hardly get to see your kids. Don’t complain about the price of a house and don’t complain when the whole stamp duty thing gets brushed under the carpet. Don’t complain about the prehistoric communications systems we have which don’t allow you to get broadband and will never allow you to get broadband, and even if you have broadband it is a Ford Cortina to other countries Ferraris. Don’t complain when you can’t walk down Grafton Street without some gypsy shoving a baby under your nose and begging for money while another one picks your fucking pocket. Don’t complain when the drinking water in whatever part of Ireland you live in becomes poisonous and gives you the raging scuts or the black death. Don’t complain when the mythical Metro to the airport, which was supposed to be in place this year as per their manifesto in 2002, isn’t completed until 2023 and costs 5 times as much as they said it would. Don’t complain about this government in five years time when they haven’t kept their promises because they did that last time and you let them away with it.

Why would they think they had to do anything different this time around? Just don’t complain. You have no f*****g right to. Ireland needed a change from the shifty, crooked, back scratching, self-serving, arrogant, deceitful and downright avaricious adminsistration we’ve had for the last 10 years. Everybody complains all the time about Bertie and every other fucking little thing his government does or fails to do - but when the time comes to put their money where their mouth is they’re just as happy to bend over, get fucked up the arse by Fianna Fail and keep the status quo. People might say the majority have spoken but all this does is prove that the majority of people in this country are stupid c***s.

The comments make Guido's look timid...


  1. Change a few words and that could apply to the electorate of Airstrip One.

  2. Nice.

    "Don’t complain when you can’t walk down Grafton Street without some gypsy shoving a baby under your nose and begging for money while another one picks your fucking pocket."

  3. Garret Fitzgeralds remark about G. Adams & Co's electoral defeat is worth repetition too:
    "As a somewhat partitionist observer maliciously remarked to me, even with the recent remarkable improvement in Irish-British relations, the people of this State are not yet ready to welcome the intervention of a member of the British parliament in the domestic political affairs of this State!"
    (via Slugger O'Toole)

  4. So soon after demanding a clean up ... shame!

  5. I thought the comment was rather tame!

  6. You left in an 'eff' word.

    I think it is a bit tired, blaming the electorate for everything. What about the opposition, don't they bear any responsibility for their own defeat?

    Last time I looked, Ireland wasn't an elective dictatorship, so my advice to the good people of that Republic is: complain whenever you bleedin' well feel like it. It's a free country.

  7. I'm with 'ed' - who do WE complain to about how the UK has been f****d up by Blair. There's no one who speaks for Mr Average Middle or working class in this country, the political class are there for themselves.

  8. The British electorate re-elected Blair & Co in 2005 so who are we to judge the Irish electorate ? What's more they'll probably elect Brown in 2009 just to f*** up the political pundits who think otherwise !

  9. I'm beginning to think that there isn't any point in working to change things here and that those who can should leave a.s.a.p. and move to somewhere with a bit more respect for its inhabitants. I thought Ireland might be such a place but perhaps not!

  10. on the plus side I hear that the guiness tastes better there; every cloud, etc

  11. So, do we take it that he's not entirely content with the state of affairs?

    Well I wonder what he might feel if he lived in England?

  12. Reminds me of the old "Don't blame me, I voted Conservative" rear window stickers. They more or less disappeared after the Falklands and the miners' strike.

  13. "I thought Ireland might be such a place but perhaps not!"

    ireland has a PR voting system, so at least you have a better chance at changing things than over here.

    secondly, each constuency has several members of parliament, from different parties usually. so if you really want something done, you can play them against each other.

    its a much more participatory politics over there - and quite passionate - hence TwentyMajor's rant. there isnt really the a sense of apathy over there - not to the extent that we're getting over here.

  14. Are you sure he was not talking about Gordon Brown and New labour

  15. Hadn't realised Bertie Aherne and Tony Blair had so much in common........

  16. rilly super said...
    "on the plus side I hear that the Guinness tastes better there; every cloud, etc"

    Oh no it doesn't - since the closure of the Park Royal brewery in West London 2-3 years ago, we in the UK also drink Dublin-brewed black stuff.

  17. Do Irish blogs use potato-printing ?
