Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Labour Fails the NHS in Wales

And if you thought the health service was all sweetness and light in Wales, think again. Read THIS and weep. Well done to Tory AM Glyn Davies for getting on the case. Perhaps the BBC might cover it now?


  1. The problem is much worse in North Wales. If you go into a pub and speak English, you'll find that EVERYONE is deaf. Until you throw a round.

  2. It's all just as bad in England...

    Read the excellent GP blog from "Dr Crippen".

    Just don't get ill is my advice.

  3. Thanks Iain for highlighting this case.

    Sadly it is too common in Wales - these sort of cases come up quite regularly. If these occurred in England, the Minister would have gone by now.

  4. .....or could it be that we'd be better off without the Welsh Assembly. Just another bunch of trough snouters out to line their own pockets.

    How's about another referendum. The last one, won by the block union votes by 0.6% (without a re-count) was a travesty of Electoral probity and if re-run would certainly remove the Assembly altogether.

  5. The problem is much worse in North Wales. If you go into a pub and speak English, you'll find that EVERYONE is deaf

    Yes indeed. As a Welshman I'm tired of constantly having to start speaking Welsh whenever an Englishman turns up, especially the ones who walk into pubs wearing a big fluorescent "I'm English" sign.

  6. Glyn Davies has 'won' in this case.
    He's posted as such in his comments.
    I've asked him to update his main post accordingly to avoid any misunderstanding

  7. Ah, but there is only the one deaf voter whereas there are thousands of voters who will get free prescription s - so politicians win again..

  8. You could just learn Welsh, anonymong - which is what you would have to do if you lived in France or Italy...


  9. How's about another referendum -Taffy but no Thief

    Or how about a rematch on all the Wales Euro qualifiers, starting after we beat Italy in Cardiff?

    It's done, it's happened, deal with it.

  10. Taffy 3.49 am said
    "The last one, won by the block union votes by 0.6% "

    Shurely shome mishtake. The voting was a personal one and nothing to do with the unions.

  11. Anonymous 9.57 ha detto...
    'You could just learn Welsh, anonymong - which is what you would have to do if you lived in France or Italy...


    Per il momento a Firenze si parla fiorentino, ancora i Gallesi non ci hanno sopraffatto.

  12. Gwil said.

    "Shurely shome mishtake. The voting was a personal one and nothing to do with the unions."

    Absholulety right gwil. Shorry my mishtake. I hereby claim my Old Age Allowance and crave your indulgence.

    I was, of course, referring to the parachuting in of Alun Michael as First Minister where the block union vote was used to great Governmental effect but to the electorate's detriment.

    Nevertheless, the referendum vote can hardly be called an eternal mandate with such a low turnout and less than 1% majority.

    The Welsh Assembly Government are presently digging themselves into a fine hole with their total mismanagement of Welsh affairs.

    Free Bus Passes and Prescriptions are hardly much to crow about after the amount of my money that has been wasted in that Hall of Hot Air and profligacy.
