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Saturday, December 16, 2006
Lembit Grope-It Is a Cheeky Boy

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So that's Lempit's X factor is it?
Iain, great story ! But I take issue with your reference to 'one of the Cheeky Girls' - surely it is a 'package deal' and it is both or none? Perhaps he could alternate between them / one week off / one week on ?
But how would he tell them apart..
"According to an MP of my acquaintance, he is, er, how shall I put this... Well, he's at the opposite end of the scale to John Prescott in a particular area"
can we ask how said MP knows it? Or maybe it's better not to know how the info get this info.... :wink:
Is this for real?!
There are dangers for someone who has established a respectable reputation for seriousness and professionalism to embark on a relationship with someone who's seen as lightweight and somewhat frivolous. But if Cheeky Girls don't mind who am I to lecture them?
Lembit invited one of my colleagues back to his hotel room two Lib Dem conferences ago. I do not work at ITV weather.
The link does not point to a story about Lembit ????
Lembit Opik? Top MP? Must be a different Lembit Opik.
Seems like a good time to join Social, Welsh and Sexy....
This is a remarkably similar story to one I posted 3 hours and twenty minutes earlier Iain.
"Sian does not believe that Lembit was unfaithful before Gabriela."
Oh how little she knows! I know he's slept with at least two others and I'm sure there must be more.
At least there is one still spare for the rest of us. Or maybe not, knowing Lembit's babe magneticism.....
According to Peter Black's blog, this story was leaked by Sian "The Mouth" herself ... "hell hath no fury",etc.
Well, I guess you can't really blame him, the Cheeky Girls can be barely (sic) half her age.
That is odd. Those cheeky girls do seem to have more than a passing interest in LibDem politics, I'm sure I recall another pic of them ... now where was it again......
Ah, yes, it was here.
You know what they say about men with large chins...
It must be reassuring for Lombit Epic to know that he has finally found Love, and not just the attention of an opportunistic gold digger desperate to be in the public eye - like himself.
We can all start looking forward to their Jordan and Peter Andre-type duet, at next years conference...
But what is the relationship with the "high-flying" MP of recent Popbitch allegations involving Spring Conference and two women?
or their question:
Which Lib-Dem MP has a creepy foot-fetish?
He used to work in a shoe shop and liked to ask the female staff to let him measure and then wash their feet.
And what is it with Lib Dems and the Cheeky Girls http://www.bromleylibdems.org.uk/photos/24.html
Iain, if the rumours are true then this must be the first Libdem bar chart which is accurate.
Latest forcast:
Tonight there will be high pressure developing from a southerly direction!
Looks to have aged badly old Lembit.........probably wise to get two younger women rather than one who is older than the combined twins
Ace story Iain ! Sex and Politics, an ace combination !!
But just like the soup course, this has just left us wanting more...
Tom Tyler - Great Memory ! I recalled the caption contest, I had not idea that it also featured a Lib Dem MP!
I think Guido should accept part of the blame - he clearly put the idea in those girls' heads...
Notice a guy called 'Andy' was very prescient in his comment 6 mths ago on Guido's 'Cheeky Girls Caption Competition' ...
Spot the Mingers
"I'm just looking after them for Lembit."
According to the NoW, Gabriela said: "I love underwear. I like to dress up in a girlie way and Lembit likes that."
What - he likes to dress up in bra and panties?
What the effing hell is a libdem doing shagging a girl?
This is a scandal of epic proportions.
mind you , there is the twist that they are twins (+{
get in there lembit old son !
It is simply astonishing just how wrong so many of my fellow anonymous commentators are. I can only assume they were listening to the usual drunken morons at the Lib Dem conference back in September.
Well, if we look at the sattelite image, apparently there's a warm front coming over in a small cottage in mid-Wales. More perspiration than precipitation - thunder and lightening (many forks between sheets) ; very wet patches between sheeting.
Anyone else noticing Optik's predeliction for over made-up dyed brunettes with big mouths? And wasn't he doing a mouth-organ solo in that talent competition on the TV? obvoiusly the Cheeky Girls just wanted to reciprocate.
Incidentally, Optik's "I don't drink on Sundays" is a classic bit of self-deception by a certain type of controlled alcoholics. No wonder he was Charlie Kennedy's cheer-leader.
Anon 1.06 - Don't quite know what you are referring to on 'Popbitch' but in connection with the 'High Flying' MP reference...
Were you were that Lembit 'proposed' to Sian with an engagement ring in a cracker while he was FLYING A PLANE.
He tipped one wing to 'go down on one knee' in a manner of speaking. He is also a director of some 'flying' type company or other.
Such a 'cryptic' reference might be for popbitch to avoid any legal trouble...
"But I take issue with your reference to 'one of the Cheeky Girls' - surely it is a 'package deal' and it is both or none? Perhaps he could alternate between them / one week off / one week on ?" - anon
One of the best comments I have read on here in sometime!
First Ben Abbotts then Lemsip? I suspect a deeper scandal:
There's a Libdem vice ring forcing poor refugee Roumanian girls to dress like prostitutes and parade around for their sick amusement. They con the girls into thinking that one day they will be in government and thus able to grant their desire for British passports.
Anyone think it's believable?
I hope he's shagging the fit one.
It is always nice and reassuring to remind ourselves that the Lib Dems will never gain power, in England that is.
Opik traded in a Rolls Royce for a Trabant.
Who measured it? How did they know?
You've got to hand it to Lemsip Optik, he knows what medicine is good for him but will he be able to take it if Ming the Ding writes the prescription?
This story is the best yet (only?) reason for voting LibDem.
Looks to me like a mid-life crisis and a father fixation.
Is there any basis for the rumour flying around that Lembit's marrried?
Iain, you're wrong. When Lembit spoke of needing a cosmic sized condom - he meant for catching asteroids.
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