A short while ago I commented on the local Labour Party selection
scrap between sitting MPs Hazel Blears, Barbara Keeley and Ian Stewart. I’ve
just read on a comment on LabourHome that Barbara Keeley has
received the Labour nomination for the new Worsley and
Eccles South seat. This leaves Eccles MP Stewart to
battle it out with Blairite bigwig Blears for the Salford & Eccles
nomination - a contest she has an excellent chance of losing. Is this the end of
the road for another Blairite minister?
I am not sure I will be getting much sleep tonight.
Who cares? Blair has refused to back Levy in the cash for peerages scandal! What a moron! And what a true pleasure to see this heinous regime falling apart in a disastrous and public manner. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml;jsessionid=IGSVJR4FCQSOLQFIQMFSFFWAVCBQ0IV0?xml=/news/2006/12/17/npeers17.xml
I am still betting on the Ceaucescus doing a midnight flit.
There's always a job stacking shelves in a Salford supermarket for Hazel - she's done a bit of that before. Or maybe she could start the Hazel Blears diaries during her time in absentia.
Great news to see the difficulties of this truly awful "see no evil" woman.
She presided over parts of the "not fit for purpose" Home Office and had a hand in reducing our rights as citizens.
Iain - you like her. I hate her. She's the archtype NuLab Blairite minister. An awful bossy, prissy, condesending, Nanny state knows best, partisan, dissembling, deceitful, never answering the question, defending the indefensible, incompetent minister. I throw things at the TV when she's on Question Time. I don't think you'll get many positive comments supporting her reselection here! I hope she loses as Parliament would be better without her and her type.
I hear Chip and Dale are looking for a little sycophant for their next Disney movie entitled - "Self-Serve-Shambles"
"Her Salford seat disappears in the boundary changes so she has to go for a neighbouring one"
More than her seat disappearing, I would say it's Stewart's seat (Eccles) that disappears
In a Blears-stylee "I think you'll find actually, Iain, it's not that the constituency party of Worsley and Eccles South rejected me but that they really didn't think their constituency was ready for the greatness of my candidacy. Now, what that really saiz to me is that it's a very positive endorsement of how far I've helped to modernise the Labour Party and contributed to the many successes of this Labour government. Since 1997, a 6047% increase in . . ."
Perhaps she could apply for the Baghdad Central constituency when Comical Ali retires or gets noosed.
The UK Parliament certainly would miss this northern ginga little sycophant much.
This is a lot of out of date Tory Tosh. This story has been placed - by Mr Ian Stewart's friends - in the rather gullible local "centre right" rag most recently nearly three weeks agohere. Anyone with a command of research will find that although Mr Stewart has not had a glittering ministerial career to defend (or to piss off leftists) he has managed to consistently drag himself through the lobbies with Ms Blears and Mr Blair on the war and most everything else. So where's the political choice there then? Both are Co-op Party people. Both are personally fairly popular with their local people. And the Blairs part of the new constituency is much much bigger than the rump of Stewart's. Clearly when this vote comes to pass one of the two Blairite/Brownite/Reidite/Millibandiste characters will be parachuted in somewhere else. More on this later here.
Wasn't Blearie a local govt lawyer in Salford; and doesn't her husband run a firm of ambulance-chasers ?
I totaly agree with anyonebutblair.
She is just like a poor actress repeating lines parrot fashion.
This sort of person i would not employ shelf stacking she just cant think for herself.
They will suss her in Salford
Iain, glad to see in these 'green' times that you are taking up the cause of recycling - with a vengeance !
I suspect she will pay the price for having thrown her weight behind the campaign to get the BBC to move to Salford, a project which is destined to be canned if the licence fee hike is as low as 'El Gordon' would like.
Oh, the irony...
"This story has been placed - by Mr Ian Stewart's friends - in our at times rather gullible local rag most recently nearly three weeks agohere"
It was also in the Newstatesman before
"Clearly when this vote comes to pass one of the two Blairite/Brownite/Reidite/Millibandiste characters will be parachuted in somewhere else"
Bolton South East?
There is something about Hazel that truly scares me. I look away from the TV when ever she is on...she is just creepy. She comes across as the baddy in a b-movie thriller
This isn't out of date, Chris, it's bang up to date. The biggest variable on the Salford & Eccles selection was the result of the Worsley ballot - a ballot I genuinely expected Ian Stewart to win.
BBC to move to Salford, a project which is destined to be canned
Really ? Living dangerously then since it is time for the BBC to be dis-Established
Being Salford born and bred (then Fled) I can't think of a more appropriate MP for the area.
I went back a year ago for a funeral and it was like a visit to Hell. A concrete and aluminum nightmare populated by ASBO scum.
Only someone with Hazel's myopia could want to be MP for Salford.
I agree with anyonebutblair as well. Blears is merely a dumb terminal displaying data from the "New Labour" server. If she has a hard drive to process individual thought, she certainly doesn't use it.
I generally refer to her as "The Mouth" as at interviews it often seems that she has been pre-programmed with what to say, and does so regardless of the questions that are asked!
She's right up there with the patronising Patricia Hewitt as one of the two ministers I dislike the most.
I really can't stand this woman. She's the only of Blair's ministers that I actually can't stand watching on TV.
At least John Prescott has a ... how can I put this? ... Sense of independent spirit!
Cllr Iain Lindley: I have conceded immediately that the Worsley bit was news. But I'm not in the slightest bit surprised by that result. And I'll be very surprised if Hazel doesn't also put Stewart to the sword. The MEN is a very gullible and careless rag these days. The journalists are underpaid and over-worked.
Voyager: HB is indeed a solicitor though not sure of her career trajectory vis-a-vis Salford Town Hall. Hubbie however is a top LG lawyer in LD Stockport I think rather than being an ambulance chaser. More likely to be trying to trip up the ambulance chasers with his wonky pavements than join them.
Andrea: Bolton South East - no idea on that one.
Shelf stacking, did you say? I don't think so. She can't reach the top shelf safely...
Don't fret, Iain, you haven't seen the last of your beloved. Dan Hassett has the truth of it. Blears is a robotic replicant and can be recycled. If she's not reselected the Blessed Dave, who loves all things NuLab as we know, can just have her decommissioned, given a memory upgrade, new voice chip and a different fright wig, and re-activated as an A lister for some lefty Tory bunch to select. What goes around comes around.
She hasn't half put the beef on. Has she sold her motorbike?
"Appling news". Is that a horticultural magazine of some kind? Or a computer mag?
Blears is a valuable personification of the relentlessly, cheery dishonesty that is New Labour. She's worth a thousand votes every time she opens her mouth.
BTW Chris P., I am still chuckling at the idea of "a top LG lawyer."
Hubbie however is a top LG lawyer in LD Stockport I think
Not so - Mr Hasell has a firm of ambulance-chasers but Iain has not posted the reference.....yet
You can't discriminate on height. Labour showed a video of Blears shelf-stacking in Salford's Tesco at conference.
"You can't discriminate on height"
Of course you can if her job is to restock the top shelf with mono-manual, special interest periodicals.
It seems Blears isn't the only senior Greater Manchester Labour MP to hit a bit of selection controversy...
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