Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Tonight on my LBC Show

On my LBC show tonight from 7...

7.10pm Ken Clarke's Green Paper: Guests: Sadiq Khan MP and Philip Davies MP

8pm In 21 Oxbridge Colleges, not a single black student was offered a place in 2009. Why? Guests: David Lammy MP and Katherine Birbalsingh

9pm LBC Medical Hour with Dr Rob Hicks.

You can listen to LBC on 97.3 FM in Greater London, DAB Radio in the Midlands, parts of the North & North West, Glasgow & Edinburgh, Sky Channel 0112, Virgin Media Channel 973 or stream live at lbc.co.uk

To take part in the programme call 0845 60 60 973, text 84850, Email iain AT lbc DOT co DOT uk or tweet @lbc973

If you miss the programme and want to download it as a podcast (minus the ads!) click HERE. There is a £2 monthly charge but you have access to the entire LBC archive and schedule.


  1. Might listen at 8 except you have Lammy. Hopefully Oxbridge still try to work on ability not Pcness. Lammy was the clown, supposedly with a degree and as a Government Minister for higher education who did not know the difference between Marie Antoinette and Marie Stopes on Celebrity Mastermind. Classic exposure of why feminism and PC policies promote incompetant people well above their station let alone abilities!

  2. David Lammy, one of the least articulate and most woeful performers at the dispatch box for a very long time. Can't think of any other who has made reading a ministerial statement sound as much like primary school "Janet and John" with as much aplomb.

  3. I see Brown is slagging off Fred Goodwin - as his excuse for the banking shambles.

    Well I personally would hang the barrow boy banker up from the nearest lamp-post.
    But Brown may be offering a hostage to fortune if Goodwin opts to tell a few tales.

  4. Why are non-EU partners now required to speak A1 English to get a tourist visa or residence visa? Most Brits can't speak or write at A1.

    the rules are outrageous and inhuman.

    partners excluded by english test.

    I tried posting on the Damian Green thread on CH but can't get my comments through there these days.

  5. @ Tapestry

    It is because we are trying to reduce immigration from outside of the EU. While I'm sure that some "Non-EU" partners are genuine, very many are not.

    Frankly, I'd ban every non-EU partner from the UK unless there had been a marriage for more than 2 years prior to date of entry. I'd also ban EU partners without 2 years of marriage. And to hell with EU rules. I'd also ban EU migration unless the migrant was to be paid more than £50K and play a full part in tax payments to the UK, and have a 5 year benefit ban.

    And if the EU said "that's unfair", I'd say "well then, accept it or f**k off".
