Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Nudity in Calendars

Last night I interviewed Labour MEP Mary Honeyball about her criticism of Ryanair for producing a charity calendar full of scantily clad flight attendants. Depsite the fact that it is expected to raise £85,000 for charity, Ms Honeyball thinks it shouldn't have been produced on the basis that it objectifies women and Ryanair may have put pressure on its employees to take part - not that she had a shred of evidence for the accusation, mind you. She seems quite happy for men to appear semi naked in calendars which are on sale in shopping centres around the country. What's the difference? We had a great caller last night, Laura in Epsom, who, speaking as a feminist, said she thought it was great that women felt liberated enough to appear in calendars like this. In my view, if semi naked firemen with their bodies covered in oil can appear on a calendar sold in a normal retail outlet, I cannot for the life of me see how one can object to Ryanair flight attendants appearing in their bikinis.

Mary Honeyball has done some fantastic work on preventing human trafficking. I think she should stick to that as she's on far safer ground than the flimsy arguments she produces in her interview.

Click HERE to listen to the interview.


  1. This is the same woman who thinks that Catholics shouldn't be politicians and that now is a good time to join the euro. Bonkers.

  2. Mr Dale,

    You will be delighted to hear that sales of Cliff calendars outsell all others, and that this is very big news.

    Now then, isn't it time LBC got beind THIS?

  3. "Scantily clad" my foot. The gals seem clothed ready for a walk in the snow. These days you have to get the real bits out! Why not. If you have 'em - flaunt. Agree with you Ian.

  4. Mary should traffic herself away to a reality farm and try to get in touch with the real world.

    It really is time that we gave the Mary's of this world no publicity and made electoral selection more challenging to winnow out the nutters and extremists.

  5. Of course firemen may be marginally less at risk of getting groped in the workplace.

  6. I didn't hear your interview, Iain, but I heard Mary wotsit waffling on about it on Woman's Hour this morning. It's she and her ilk that give the rest of their gender a bad name. I thoroughly resent her presuming to speak for those women who manage to retain a sense of humour and still think "Vive la difference!"

  7. Funny the things that upset dear Mary, and the things that don't. She expresses concern over "inappropriate comments"... perhaps she should re-visit her own record?

    The vice-like grip of Catholicism holds fast across large parts of the continent... Should devout Catholics such as Kelly, Browne and Murphy be allowed on the government front bench in the light of their predilection to favour the Pope's word above the government's?

    Perhaps she'd prefer a calendar with Ian Paisley striking naked poses. Now there's a thought.

  8. If the women in question want to be objectified let them get on with it. There are worse things happening in the world.

  9. Our local GP surgery decided to raise money for charity by having all the reception staff pose naked for a calendar, with strategically placed items to preserve modesty (a la Women's Institute). I found it uncomfortable collecting my prescription from one of the models for this calendar, not because posing naked sets back the cause of feminism, but because I had now acquired far too much information.

    The teachers at primary schools will be doing it next. That will make parents evening interesting.

  10. This is only the "standard" Ryanair calendar. For full nudity, you must pay an extra £5 and no refund when the nudes don't show up. For a coffee with the nudes, it's £3.50 and you can sit down to read the calendar for another £7.

  11. Well I think a five year old could come up with a more cogent argument than she did. Perhaps that is a bit harsh, say a nine year old.
    If that represents the best that this country can offer in the way of elected representatives then we deserve to go the dogs.

  12. Jimmy, once again the left wing ideological chip that you carry on both your shoulders has got the better of your brain.

    You've obviously never worked in an office full of women or you would have learned that they can be just as sexist and gropey as the most hardened of male sexpests.

    The sexually explicit banter that comes from the "ladies" would make a navvy blush.

  13. This calendar is probably the first thing Ryanair have done they should not be criticised for..........

  14. Why doesn't our Mary's blog mention her distinguished Oxford career? She did alright in the Union, making good use of the funny name vote. A slightly out of the ordinary name could tip the balance for a place on a committee.
