Monday, September 27, 2010

An Invite to a Party...

If you sign up to the party on Fringe List HERE you'll get a free SMS reminder.


  1. pity. flying out of Blighty tomorrow for a relax in the sun. hope it goes well. one day i'll get to one of these do's.

  2. I'll be in Peru Iain, otherwise I'd love to be there!

  3. (maybe re-post, treacle v pute problems)

    Dear Iain

    Have a great time, bud. Will defo steal your biscuits one day and say it's for your own good. Have a good un.


    WV: reful - err..sorted!

  4. Is there not an apostrophe missing in Blog Readers' Party?

  5. I'm waiting for a new Vistor from Venus to arrive. How long should I wait?

    BTW: there are some Great new jokes on the scene, who is generating all this stuff, pixies from Mars?

  6. Hi Iain, Sally R and I will be there. Better have a paramedic on standby this year. Steve N was so funny, last time,the gent standing next to me was on the verge of something cardiac.

  7. Sensible advice from Annabel! Looking forward to it.

  8. wombles from willy-Town, Maybe?

  9. Well perhaps you should start by having a word with Eric Pickles who could have a word with the Tories of Bracknell Forest Council who wouldn't make a council house available to an ex Army guy (and family) - because he hadn't lived in the area for a while (no, because he was in Afghanistan...)

  10. So how do we sign up? Perhaps I'm being thick but it's not very clear is it? Or is this a browser problem like the other week when I tried to sign up for the EU referendum and they hadn't designed it for Chrome. They've fixed it now. Please don't make me use IE.
