Monday, September 27, 2010

Those Miliband Achievements in Full

An interesting call in on 5 Live just now. Here's how it finished...

CALLER: Name me one achievement of either Miliband outside politics...

CALLER 2: Er......

CALLER 1: OK then, name me one achievement of either Miliband while they were ministers...

CALLER 2: [long pause] Er, Ed Miliband attended the climate change conference in Copenhagen...

Says it all.


  1. Very funny Iain. And not a little true.

    Problem is though, how does Cam stack up against that as a measure?

  2. Amen to that

    The Political dynasties have arrived

  3. David Miliband signed the Lisbon Treaty. Quite an achievement given he couldn't even do his jacket up properly.

  4. And David (appears to have) acceded to MI6 getting its chums to extract information under torture (while denying it ever happened) from people who had been 'rendered' (while denying it ever happened) through Diego Garcia (while denying it ever happened).

    Best of all, however, David selflessly provided the media with that gloriously idiotic banana photo, which will haunt him forever - like the Kinnocks falling over on the beach.

  5. Two things:

    1. Could anyone have named an achievement of David Cameron outside politics prior to his elections?

    2. David Cameron came to office with no ministerial experience what so ever.

    I also note that Baroness Warsi said over the weekend that Ed Miliband should be apologising for his part in causing the deficit we now face due to his time advising Gordon Brown at the Treasury. Presumably that means David Cameron will be apologising for his part in causing Black Wednesday when he was advising Norman Lamont?

  6. That's a fatuous comment and the same could be said of the Conservatives. What has David Cameron ever done outside politics? Nothing. PR certainly doesn't count.

    What had he done achieved in politics before being elected leader?
    Er, worked as Norman Lamont's adviser during Black Wednesday.

    Admittedly, it's a lot more than George Osborne has ever achieved.

  7. I'm pretty certain you could have had almost the exact same conversation about Cameron and Osborne before they got into government.

    Do either of them have any achievements of note on their CV, outside of politics?

    If you don't like it, get used to it: this is what happens when you have parliament stuffed with career politicians who go from student union, to MP's researchers, to policy advisors, to MPs, to government ministers without ever setting foot in the real world.

    And spending a couple of years as a flack for Carlton doesn't count as the real world!

  8. Didn't stop Barack Obama becoming president. Or you supporting him, if I recall Mr Dale.

  9. "how does Cam stack up against that as a measure?"

    Indeed. The same is true of that nice Mr Osborne.

    It's a fair criticism, and I think far too many people are becoming MPs without any experience of the real world (and I don't count being in charge of "corporate affairs" - ie lobbying politicians - for a TV company as being in the real world).

    But trying to use it as a political stick with which to beat either of the Milibrothers really doesn't stand up.

  10. @Old Slaughter, Cam shows great promise. Mili minor is just a blank with a puppet master in the background.

  11. Erm, though not sure I can find the amusing anecdote to go with it, if someone asked the same thing in relation to DC or George O or Nick Clegg, or any other members of the modern 'political class' that could offer up much either, in terms of achievements outside politics. Don't think the criticism applied young Miliband in particular will wash.

    PS Seem to remember him doing some really quite passable media presenting/reporting, nothing of any great achievement or worth, but then so few have the same media 'presence' of the I Dales and La Bercows of this world. :)

  12. didn't milliband d when he was foreign secretary get a whigging for addressing the indian pm in a manner considered less than respectful?

  13. So many comments all concentrating on one aspect only of the reported conversation - predictably. That the Milibands actually had very little effect as Ministers is, naturally, entirely ignored.

    Ed Miliband is a puppet - from birth. Now his strings are held by the Unions. £135,000 plus is Ed's price - and they've bought him lock stock and barrel.

    Quite cheap really. I might just nip out and see what other offers on NuLab politicians there are. Ed Balls must be available at a considerable discount now.

  14. David bottled it and lost his chance to become leader when he failed to oppose Brown.
    No achievement there!
    Ed wrote the Labour Manifesto in May.
    No achievement there!
    Red Ed sold his soul to the unions to get elected.
    No achievement there!

  15. Brown signed the Lisbon treaty - a day late.
    MiliD and Brown broke their election promise in doing so.

  16. @ Ed Jacobs or Red Ed Jacobs?

    David Miliband said: UNITE behind my brother Red ED.

    Oh, we should also not forget the persons who visited his home and whom influenced Red ED. They are: Tariq Ali and Red Ken. That says it all!

  17. @Doubting Richard: Yes, look at Obama now, the clueless moron and the account from Bob Woodward.

  18. Trevorsden,

    At least two representatives from each member state signed it. D Miliband and Brown were ours.

  19. Iain, not is being made of Labour ( Miliband) being bought by the Unite union. They put a picture of Ed in the ballot envelope, the Unite votes swung the election to Ed. The new Labour Treasurer is claimed to be a Unite employee.

  20. Kindess thing you can say about these two is that David is indecisive (bottle`s it) while Ed doesnt care who he`s in hock to as long as he comes out on top( uncaring)

    What a pair of plonkers eh Rodders!!

  21. Methinks Dave & George would struggle mightily to come up with any achievements outside politics either...neither ever did anything other than feather their own nests.

  22. So, marginally more than David Cameron achieved inside or outside politics before he became Tory leader, then?

  23. @Tom Harris. Red Ed achieved what?
    The problem with Labour is that it has no narrative now Red Ed has emerged thanks to Woodley and Simpson. The sight of that loser windbag Kinnock grinning..! He did not have any job too before becoming Labour MP. We are looking at a younger Michael Foot here.

    Now that IMF has reported the bananaman should walk leaving Red Ed and Balls to do the panto!

  24. How about D Millipede backed calls for an EU Army?
