Monday, September 27, 2010

Introducing My New Assistant...

A few weeks ago I advertised that I needed an Executive Assistant to help me in my work now that I have permanent slot on LBC. I had a huge amount of applications, and I am delighted to announce that Grant Tucker is my new Executive Assistant starting from today.

I would like to thank all who applied, there were many high calibre candidates and it was an extremely difficult decision to make. Grant is a highly articulate and knowledgeable young man; he has been involved with the Conservative Party for several years in South Wales and has now made the move to London. He will be helping me out with all my day-to-day activities, including this blog and will be at Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham next week.

I want to make clear that Grant will be responsible for the resurrection of the Daley Dozen starting tomorrow and he will also be contributing other pieces to the blog. However, he will NOT be writing my blogposts - I will continue to be doing that in my own name, but he may from time to time write pieces under his own name. The intention is that by employing him I free up a little more time to write more here myself, as I am aware that in recent weeks I haven't been as prolific as normal. I know that more than half of you come back here more than three times a day and expect to see something new when you do! He will also be moderating comments, so they will appear much more quickly to enable more debate to take place.

Anyway, I hope you will welcome Grant to the team and if you would like to follow him on Twitter you can do so HERE. You can email him with ideas for the blog grant AT iaindale DOT com.


  1. Keep the sleeping arrangements at a safe distance :-)

  2. I was wondering whether we would ever get to find out about this assitant of yours.

    The Grim Reaper is proud to welcome you to the blogosphere, Mr Tucker. Although goodness knows whether you are aware of what you've let yourself in for.

  3. Welcome Grant! Congratulations, here's to enjoying your contributions.

  4. Congratulations to Grant. Pity you did not give my son an interview, or feedback!

  5. "It should have been me"
    Congratulations, I suppose!

  6. Well done Grant. Be liberal with your moderation.

  7. Excellent news as your recent posts have mainly been ads for your program on LBC. Quite worthy I'm sure, but for Blog junkies like me there has indeed been a dearth of contributions.

  8. What a load of arse!


    How quaint.

  9. a. Congratulations, Grant

    b. Any chance you can get the blog to load faster? I know advertising pays for it, but there are times when it takes a minute or so to load up.

  10. Well done Grant. Iain has chosen a man of real quality.

  11. Well done Grant. Iain has chosen a man of real quality.
