Tuesday, August 31, 2010

When You've Got a Moment, Ed...

I'm not sure Ed Miliband will look forward to going home tonight for fear of incurring the wrath of his girlfriend and mother of his child, Justine Thornton.

Why? Well in an interview today he said he intends to marry her but hadn't "got around to it".

That must make her feel like a million dollars! A big bunch of flowers is called for, I think!

In his persistent efforts to tack left, he's also been making some very anti grammar school comments today. His whole campaign seems to be trying to alienate the middle classes, the very people who have Blair and New Labour three stonking election victories.


  1. Personally, I htought the funniest thing was the way he said he would review the rules on parent ballots for the abolition of Grammar Schools.

    Then what? Ask the nice Mr Gove to impliment them...?

    Desperate tactics from MiliE.

  2. He is a leftist Labour pillock. I never liked Mandy, but he is right this time.

  3. Isn't Dave "anti grammar school"?

  4. "anti grammar school " - like David Cameron you mean? Ladder kickers the lot of them.

  5. His campaign is to secure the votes of labour party members.

    Once elected he will dump all these promises to the lefties and start saying nice things about the middle classes.

    Once elected as PM he will dump all those promises to the middle classes and ...

    The way the campaign is going I suspect in the next week or so Ed Balls will be proposing that all the firstborn of anyone vaguely wealthy looking shall be publicly stoned. No, seriously there are leadrship votes in policies like these.

    There seems to be a certain dumb assed tendency attracted moth like to the glimmerings coming from this post.

    They forget that the conservatives have just pushed through an education bill allowing academies and new schools to be set up. Hopefully improving standards.
    ie - allowing the people to chose. Imposing grammar schools - even if exam and the secondary modern infrastructure could be provided to support then and you could find teachers willing to teach in secondary moderns - would be electoral suicide.

  6. I do love the tacit admission - in having to promise to change the rules on parent ballots - that parents overwhelmingly support them.

  7. Typical living in sin remark by Miliband. A cop out by the fuck 'n go brigade.
