Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tory Boy? Thanks, But No Thanks

I am sure it was done with the best of intentions ... but a reader has just emailed me details of an Ebay auction for a number plate, which, with a bit of squinting reads TORY BOY. Sort of. He seemed to think I might be interested in buying it for my Audi.

I may come from Essex but I do possess a modicum of taste. I am also 48 years old, rather past the stage of being called 'boy', although having said that, my Dad calls everyone 'boy' even if they are older than him. And he's 80.

Perhaps, though, I might buy it for Shane Greer's Christmas present. Not that I pay him enough to afford a car, of course... or even the driving lessons.
Anyway, should you have less taste than me and wish to bid, click HERE.


  1. "I might be interested in buying it for my Audi."

    Yup. He knows you're from Essex all right

  2. Iain

    I have just turned 45 and would not count myself as a boy either. My wife would have a fit if I bought the plate and attached it to her car. Hmmm now there's an idea! Tory Boy reg on Labour supporting wife's car.

  3. God How yukky, bet you however someone will turn up at the Conferance with it on a old BMW

  4. So you drive an Audi.

    That explains the nine points on the licence...

  5. Well, at least it won't be you getting stopped by the police for having an illegally-spaced number plate.

  6. Are you trying to bamboozle poor Shane? Everyone knows that driving lessons cost more than a car.

  7. Should that not be TR07 BOY? Another unpleasant piece of Labour legislation was to abolish the century old county based registration system. Knocking at the roots of our society as Marxist socialists always do.
    And be wary of initials on any private plate. Recall the judge on one of the defendants in the Thorpe trial? 'One of those jumped up individuals with their name on their number plate' ? Glad I just have a 666 ••• from the county where I was born and live!

  8. "...which, with a bit of squinting reads TORY BOY. Sort of."

    Oh dear, though doth protest too much...Remember your "are you posh" test? No squinting needed and it is, as far a personal plates go, very clear. It is in afct a very good plate but not when you consider the wrong sort of attention it could get. Parked in a "labour neighbourhood" as the driver slums it at a chav party...

    All good fun and nothing like as bad as PEN 15, which is a valid and existing plate.

  9. Is there a number plate "C0A L1TE"?

    Or how about NU 70RY 01D 70RY. Oh sorry. Two many letters to be road legal.

  10. "I may come from Essex but I do possess a modicum of taste"

    How do you explain the ties then?!
