Saturday, August 21, 2010

Kevin Maguire: Labour Activists Are "Cretins"

Kevin Maguire doesn't seem to think much of Labour Party members. On his talkup with James Max on LBC for his morning programme, James asked him what he made of the David Miliband Party Invite document I wrote about yesterday. His reply was very illuminating and showed the mindset of well paid lefty journalists...

"Written by a cretin, for cretins"

Wikipedia defines cretinism thusly...

Cretinism is a condition of severely stunted physical and mental growth due to
untreated congenital deficiency of thyroid hormones (congenital hypothyroidism)
due to maternal nutritional deficiency of iodine.

Now, can you imagine what Kevin Maguire would write in his column if David Cameron described a Labour MP as a cretin? 'Same old nasty Tories' would be the mildest form of abuse he would no doubt employ.


  1. Heaven forbid that anybody in politics or the media should speak like an ordinary member of the public. We must use the power of ridicule and finger pointing to keep the political classes in a permanent state of Stepfordisation.

  2. Not sure how well your analogy holds Iain. Our Kev is just a lowly journalist while Cameron is Prime Minister. Further, he is describing his own party, not his opponents. Now if Cameron were to call the Tory right cretins ...... (Oops. Come to think of it he has come damn close to it and made it pretty clear that that is what he thinks).

    As what we have is a description by a Labour supporter of Labour supporters we should perhaps just treat it as refreshing honesty.

  3. Kevin Maguire is a prat and a hypocrit, though a likeable one no doubt. This seems to be a view largely shared by the few people who can be bothered to occasionally coment on his blog.
    I replied to one of his Tweet's last week when he made a sarcastic reference to Eric Pickles being Cameron's 'pet northerner', suggesting that of course Pickles wasn't a 'real' northerner like Himself.
    Apparantly Maguire sees no contradiction in swanning around Cheltenham racecourse on a jolly paid for by someone else and enjoying champagne and pate de fois gras, and spitting out his deliberately inaccurate and dishonestly biased clap trap in defence of values he professes to defend whilst, like all hypocritical left-wingers, actually living a life in contradtiction to his holier-than-thou espousals.
    Like I say, Kevin Maguire is a prat and a hypocrit.

  4. One symptom of iodine deficiency is bulging eyes. I think one of the candidates has that condition.

  5. Same old nasty "I used the word cretin without having the vaguest idea what it meant" journalist.

  6. I am reminded of Bernard Levin calling Douglas-Home a cretin.

    Someone later popped up from the TV audience and punched him.

    Stand in line everyone ...

  7. Kevin Maguire is the worst kind of journalist - completely partisan, never tries to see the whole story and uses his grotty little media forays to push his very left wing agenda. I don't know why LBC or the BBC use him - I turn the TV and radio off every time I hear or see him. Ugh.

  8. Trouble is, he's right, of course. Anyone who watches the Miliband House Party video and then sets about hosting one is, by definition, a cretin.

  9. Maguire wasn't talking about all Miliband supporters or Labour supporters in general. Here was talking about that group of people who don't possess an ounce of common sense.

    I agree with Salmondet - Iain, your analogy is a poor one.

    However, I also agree that Maguire is incredibly biased. His choice of words doesn't give him any credibility.
